The search for other kinds of evidence tying him to trafficking has not produced a smoking gun.
The hearing produced no smoking gun, but there was much that looked bad for Goldman.
These are two containers of the flavored sawdust used in the Smoking Gun system.
"They found the smoking gun," says Michael Wara, a professor at Stanford Law School.
"It's the first literal smoking gun to show that coal combustion was occurring," says Grasby.
The Web site says the FBI requested the removal, but the Smoking Gun had already snagged and posted it.
"I think there's a definite smoking gun here — that it's a strong association," says lead researcher Bruce Paster.
While there will be no "smoking gun," we will provide evidence concerning the weapons programs that Iraq is working so hard to hide.
Little of the mud thrown at Clinton over the Whitewater affair has stuck, so federal Prosecutor Starr must now look for a smoking gun.
We have it. The smoking gun. The evidence. The potential weapon of mass destruction we have been looking for as our pretext of invading Iraq.
In other words, there was no smoking gun found that links moderate cell phone use, defined in the study as under a half hour a day, with brain cancer.
Upon hearing the tape, Conable stated that it "looked like a smoking gun," meaning that from the tape it was clear that Nixon had approved the cover up.
Used to infuse many ingredients with flavored smoke created by heating special sawdust, the Smoking Gun is a favorite and efficient way to give dishes more flavor.
The other five objects are all galaxy cores, which to an astronomer is like a smoking gun: ESO 146-IG 005 has been very busy lately, eating other, smaller galaxies.
其他五个有标记的物体都是星系的核心,这些核心对天文学家而言就是一个确切的证据,这个证据显示ESO 146-IG 005星系最近十分繁忙,它正在吞并其他稍小一些的星系。
Although no "smoking gun" proves beyond doubt that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, the evidence gathered in a 12-page annex is hard to interpret in any other way.
"It sounds like a smoking gun," says Beale, who co- authored "Federal Criminal Law and Its Enforcement" (Thompson West, 2010). "It really should get the Justice Department's attention."
Finally, a fourth fowl sped past and this time the surgeon's weapon pointed sky wards. BOOM! The surgeon lowered his smoking gun and turned nonchalantly to the pathologist beside him.
For example, smoking in an elevator will inconvenience people, but much less than threatening them with a gun.
For example, smoking in an elevator will inconvenience people, but much less than threatening them with a gun.