Afterward, time strode over me slowly, just like the road roller runs over the surface of an asphalt pavement that was not enough smooth.
Pour the filling over the cooled crust and spread until smooth.
Retailers who're responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren't so friendly.
Just as the relentless movement of water in rivers and streams can smooth the jagged edges of rocks over time, ocean currents can smooth ice fragments into round shapes.
So far, the rise in carbon dioxide seems to be fairly smooth over time, but the change in vegetation is jerkier.
"If we can get over the May borrowing hump, it's a relatively smooth cruise for the rest of the year," says one trader in Athens.
The benefits remain, not least theincreased ability of households to smooth spending over their lifetimes and ofmarkets to allocate risks to those most willing to bear them (see article).
高收益依然如旧,保持家庭终生平稳消费的能力在持续增长,向那些最愿承担风险的人分摊市场风险的功能也在加强([font=宋体]请看本期专题) [font=宋体]。
People like to smooth consumption over their lifetimes, so during their working years they spend less than they earn and accumulate wealth, which they then draw down once they retire.
In such cases, the communal tables and the open kitchen can smooth over awkward silences.
But identifying and exploiting concepts common to two or more categories can smooth over the boundaries to some extent.
It enabled more households to smooth their consumption over time, reducing their financial hardship in lean times.
They do tend to stand up again, however, after they've been bent over; normally this is enough to smooth most feathers.
Whisk the egg white until stiff, fold in the cucumber mixture and smooth over the face avoiding the eyes and mouth area.
The new accounting guidelines will help Spanish lenders smooth out the effects of the property bust over time.
And General Pasha would, and then certainly would not, fly to America to smooth things over.
Remove the bowl from the mixer and fold in the chocolate chips or nuts or both. Pour the filling over the cooled crust and spread until smooth.
His eyes swelled and two streams of water released over his smooth rounded cheeks.
In the movies, which exist partly to smooth over the rough patches in our collective life, the same basic picture takes on a more benign coloration.
The smooth gray-brown smoke hangs over the Russian landscape, completely obscuring the ground in places.
The water calls, and we soon 29)pull over to skip the perfectly smooth white stones that line the beach.
After "CDM" high frequency horn coverage matches the design of coverage and low frequency unit features a smooth over-achieved.
I'm likely to smooth over or settle conflicts between two people whom I care about.
Smooth over skin daily in the morning and again at night. For best results, use after your shower or bath.
In some ways, Alibaba is trying to smooth over issues faced by China more broadly.
We could see that he was trying to smooth over his own responsibility for the delay, instead of accepting his fault.
We could see that he was trying to smooth over his own responsibility for the delay, instead of accepting his fault.