So you can imagine the reaction when a recent USA Today investigation of air quality around the nation's schools singled out those in the smugly green village of Berkeley, Calif.
She showed off her new clothes smugly.
Ammer: [smugly] Then you better get started.
Here we are in danger of smugly supposing superiority.
"Except for one or two minor details," said Aziraphale smugly.
I like to boast, smugly, that I haven't paid for a CD in years.
Then he said smugly, "I've been trying that on all my customers today."
The new doctor smiled smugly as he continued to write on his clipboard.
"I announced. He turned away slowly and smugly, knowing full well I actually meant," Wow.
The reliability and material abundance of Japan that had us smugly expecting everything always to work are no longer.
Nowadays, successful Americans, however ridiculously lucky they have been, often smugly see themselves as "deserving."
Many motorists chuckle smugly after giving their cars a little extra gas to leave a Toyota Prius or some other in the dust.
Swiss headlights bouncing in our mirror, we drove on, smugly elated at having taught a lesson in bush survival to ill-attuned Europeans.
Then he looked beyond the trees, out into the dark night. Nothing could be farther than the sky, he thought smugly, now assured of his victory.
But instead of sitting smugly at your desk, you should be thinking about what you can do (right now!) to make yourself absolutely indispensable.
Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, and Larry Summers (the three smugly depicted in that 1999 Time cover of the "committee to Save the world"), and Tim Geithner.
这部新影片也瞄准了可能造成现在大萧条的大人物:阿兰·格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan),罗伯特·鲁宾(Robert Rubin),拉里·萨默斯(Larry Summers)(他们三人1999年得意洋洋地登上时代杂志封面,当时的题目是“拯救全世界三巨头”)和提姆·盖特纳(Tim Geithner)。
At the Pentagon, however, senior naval officials appear smugly confident that the Chinese would turn tail once the U. S. carriers show up like the cavalry.
People, of course, always ask me about it, and that gives me a chance to evangelize about veganism (while they smugly wave a greasy burger in front of my face).
Inevitably, however, the discussion starts to fizzle when someone raises a hand and says (sometimes ardently, sometimes smugly) "But aren't you forgetting about faith?"
The cashier, who had not yet spoken, got my change and closed the drawer of the finally silent register. Looking at me, she said smugly, "I still get to say 'thank you."
出纳员也不说话,她拿到给我找的钱以后,最后就把默不做声的收银机的抽屉推进去,然后看着我沾沾自喜地 说:“我还得说声‘谢谢你!’”
But my Christmas cake is still sitting smugly in its tin - thanks altogether to jolly st Delia, who kindly pre-soaked my fruit, measured out the black treacle and even bagged up the flour.
But my Christmas cake is still sitting smugly in its tin - thanks altogether to jolly st Delia, who kindly pre-soaked my fruit, measured out the black treacle and even bagged up the flour.