What was it like playing Snake Eyes? Was it more difficult than playing Darth Maul?
Some guy: How different of a fighting style do you want to make Snake Eyes from say Darth Maul?
So if you get snake eyes there's probably 35 times that you'd roll and you wouldn't get them, for example.
And because of the fans telling me for the last four years, 'You'd be a great Snake Eyes,' it really planted a seed in my head.
I trained three hours in the morning before the show and then again after signing for a couple hours, and I just became Snake Eyes.
Being Snake Eyes and working with the stunt boys, they wanted to show a range of martial arts but use my style as a catalyst to get to whatever we were going to get to.
I looked at as many old cartoons and new cartoons of Snake eyes as possible and Snake eyes is a character that I've grown up with, so it's something I've been very familiar with from the beginning.
They'd both looked down at the snake then, its eyes like two pebbles, its body all but indistinguishable from the length of rough wood it was stretched out on.
Her appearance varies slightly from story to story, but she is usually described as having beady, snake-like eyes and long, sharp claws and fangs.
1/2 Indian with a supple and strange body, a snake-like and fiery body with eyes to go with it.
They like to be around the eyes and mouth of your snake but this is by no means the only place you should look as they will settle anywhere.
He wanted to know which system is most important to the snake, eyes or infrared sensors?
Huge triangular snakeheads are suspended in his eyes; the tongue of the snake spit out his mouth slightest core almost touched his nose top.
Then there are also snake gall and blood mixed in liquor which supposedly will brighten your eyes.
The snake jerked its head toward Uncle Vernon and Dudley, then raised its eyes to the ceiling. It gave Harry a look that said quite plainly.
With his eyes closed, his hand came out of the bedcover and grabbed the mala like a striking snake.
There's no way he's going to snake out of this one, I saw that evil light drain from his eyes when I ran him through.
Then, there is snake gall and blood mixed in liquor that supposedly will brighten your eyes.
Then, there is snake gall and blood mixed in liquor that supposedly will brighten your eyes.