To keep store-bought flowers fresh, snip an inch off each stem, add two teaspoons of vodka and one teaspoon sugar.
If you have pollen allergies, you should either avoid flowering plants or snip off the flower buds as soon as they appear.
The good news is, you can snip them right off, and immediately your hair will look healthier.
Across the aisle from her, others snip loose threads off disposable cushions for operating tables.
You just cut off and snip the relevant nerve endings, so that we're no longer able to engage in that higher-order thinking.
But the good news is, you can snip them right off, and immediately your hair will look healthier.
As a colleague of mine says: if all infants were born with their appendix externally located, we'd snip it off at birth.
Nonetheless, if you have coworkers with pollen allergies-and it's highly probable you do-you should either avoid flowering plants or snip off the flower buds as soon as they appear.
Strands of racism can be found on the movement's fringe, but most tea-party groups have done their best to snip these off.
And there may be a way to keep cells from biting off more than they can swallow-snip off the nanotubes' rounded tips.
I don't actually know exactly what it would take, but you just cut off and snip the relevant nerve endings so that we're no longer able to engage in that higher order thinking.
Snip off the excess tape ends.
After a few days, technicians snip off the plant's leaves, grind them up and purify the antibody.
If using this method, be sure to punch the holes from the opposite side and snip off the punched pieces of lead to avoid having them come loose inside the frame.
Barber: it isn't that. Sometimes I snip off a bit of a customer's ear.
Barber: it isn't that. Sometimes I snip off a bit of a customer's ear.