Then she rounded the bend and saw a beautiful sight: a road grader, laboring uphill with its snowplow lowered.
Loaders are also used for snow removal, using their bucket or a snow basket, but usually using a snowplow attachment.
Anthony saw the black steel edge of the snowplow blade hit the young child under the chin, driving his head back and scraping over his face.
With perhaps ten feet left between them and the sharp-edged snowplow blade at the front of the train, Anthony sprang forward from the ladder.
He ran his tractor around the front of my house, piling the snow off to the side to allow me to drive out of the barn - my own personal snowplow.
It isn't even an inch, but in this part of Oregon a slight dusting brings everything to a standstill as the one snowplow in the county gets busy clearing the roads.
And the ejection into ambient gas of one thousandth atmosphere or so is special, the 'snowplow' phenomenon is observed and the plume plasma splits into fast_ and slow_moving parts.
And the ejection into ambient gas of one thousandth atmosphere or so is special, the 'snowplow' phenomenon is observed and the plume plasma splits into fast_ and slow_moving parts.