Now, snuff bottle used for snuff function become history already, and less than situation to paint carrier appear.
The snuff bottle spreads to China with the snuff in late Ming Dynasty .
The first is the Ming Dynasty porcelain snuff bottle, the shape of large, cylindrical, bottom, easy to erect, mostly blue and white or color.
Along with the snuff being in vogue in China, the demands for snuff bottle which holds snuff become higher and higher, thus the manufacturing technology of the snuff bottle develops rapidly.
Because of this, it is believed that the agate snuff bottle is a kind of typical national handicraft by Mongol's own esthetic standard.
The snuff bottle is an imported product, but China actually has fine reputation of "township of the snuff bottle" .
Glassware is a special glass with a low melting point and high plasticity. It is rich and colorful in the snuff bottle family.
Papers are divided into four parts: part I: the origin of the snuff bottle and the types are introduced with some relevant content.
Inner-painted Snuff Bottle, a unique Chinese handicraft, originated in the period of Emperor Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty and has a history of 200 years.
Inner-painted Snuff Bottle, a unique Chinese handicraft, originated in the period of Emperor Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty and has a history of 200 years.