Of course, by the time you're 80, there will be 65 more years of new books, so by then, you're dealing with 315 years of books, which allows you to read about 20 books from each year.
In his last few days the pain seemed to have stopped, but by then he was so far gone that it was no longer any comfort.
We don't actually need it on Tuesday, but if it arrives by then, so much the better.
You have to prioritise, so indicate the main problems, and then you analyse each one by connecting it with a theory .
Dummling begged so long that at last he said: "Just go then, you will get wiser by hurting yourself."
So from then on the man called the cat of which he was so proud by the name of Wind.
Then the rice is harvested by the farmers, so people can eat the rice.
Things were going great and then I realized that selling things around the house wasn't enough for me, so I decided to expand my business by running a re-sale shop.
By the time Ben was tired, Tom had exchanged the next turn with Billy Fisher for a good kite, and then Johnny Miller, and so on.
John Dunlosky, a professor in the US, suggests that "you start by reading a textbook with your favorite pens and colors, and then write down the important ideas on small cards while doing so you actually try to test yourselves on them."
"Chinese language and culture were mysterious and not known by people in most countries then, but now, more and more people in the world are learning Chinese, even Chinese history, traditional Chinese medicine and so on, " Sears added.
You can set the order of the fields either by selecting the first field that you want displayed in the list, and then the next, and so on, or by setting the position as you drag and place the fields.
Each project is individually proposed and managed by an editor, so it is down to the editor to select and then drive the project.
If you have 100 idle agents, then 800mb of memory is retained by these agents, so they eat up RAM quite quickly.
We laid Ron to rest in Arlington National Cemetery; by then I was so exhausted and grief-stricken after the terrible ordeal that I could hardly stand.
Restricting the format of input fields If you need to restrict the format of data inputted by users, then at least do so in a way that won’t irritate users.
限制输入域的格式 。如果不得不限制用户输入数据的格式,那么一定要用一种不触怒用户的方法。
David will have had his exam by then, so he'll be able to enjoy himself.
Why then does Pope Benedict, supposedly served by specialists, slip up so often and so badly?
Then, in perfect silence, he so embraced each of his officers as they filed by, and then they parted.
Remember that you can modify all of these titles, so if you believe there should be more explanation for the user then, by all means, put it in.
In the first mode, called init in this article, the user wants to start a process through a human task and does so by entering and then submitting initial data.
When a process allocates memory it does so by first reserving virtual memory and then committing memory out of this chunk (this is the memory actually used).
So in other words, by defining that reference state, we can then figure out or measure heats of formation of a vast number of compounds.
They reversed the decision, but by then it was too late for her to make the long trek from England, so she appeared on the Grammy broadcast by satellite from a London studio.
So if we start up here, fast neutrons produced by fission, by thermal fission and then you add the total number of fast neutrons produced.
Why, then, was I feeling so elated about my trip and smitten by a city I had never particularly liked before?
He says that prices will fall by 6% or so in 2011 and will then languish for a while before gradually recovering.
So, if any of you doesn't want to be, by chance, seen on the Internet, then sit out of range of the camera.
So, if any of you doesn't want to be, by chance, seen on the Internet, then sit out of range of the camera.