But in the end there was no need for another monument to man who left two hundred or so films that say more about him than any monument could ever say.
As they work through the seven ages of man, their thoughts may increasingly turn to the dependence, indignity and pain that afflict so many at the end of their lives.
Is all this to end in trivial horror because so few are able to think of Man rather than of this or that group of men?
Mr Shapiro (for whom Shakespeare was definitely the man) thinks it matters a lot, and by the end of this book, his readers will think so too.
I'll just take up the list toward the end: "transcendentality, consciousness, or conscience, God, man, and so forth."
The committed dark stay committed to the end, sadly so, but that is the nature of man on these evolutionary planets.
someone asked the author wearily. Mr Shapiro (for whom Shakespeare was definitely the man) thinks it matters a lot, and by the end of this book, his readers will think so too.
The long rope the man was holding seemed to have a magnet tied to the end so the coins would become attached.
He was a fantastic man, really fantastic guy. I'm just very proud to have known him so intimately from when we were kids to virtually the end all the way through.
He could not down the cowardly thought that this man had something better and would stay to the end, drawing his last dollar into the pot, should he choose to go so far.
'Today that's what caught my eye, that's why we've been working and doing double sessions so we can push Man United right until the end again.
In the end I made the right choice and I'm so happy to still be a Man United player.
He hath made everything beautiful in its time: also he hath set eternity in their heart, yet so that man cannot find out the work that God hath done from the beginning even to the end.
'I cannot allow any man to accuse me of bad behaviour!' she cried. 'So you will leave the farm at the end of the week!'
He hath made all things good in their time, and hath delivered the world to their consideration, so that man cannot find out the work which God hath made from the beginning to the end.
He is a man who takes his bow at the end of his show in cowboy boots and jeans, who owns a ranch with tepees so luxurious they made Oprah Winfrey green with envy when she visited.
在自己的走秀结束后,他总是身穿牛仔靴和牛仔裤出来鞠躬,他拥有一片牧场,里面有豪华的印第安人圆锥形帐篷,令来访的奥普拉·温弗瑞(oprah Winfrey)也不禁艳羡不已。
He is a man who takes his bow at the end of his show in cowboy boots and jeans, who owns a ranch with tepees so luxurious they made Oprah Winfrey green with envy when she visited.
在自己的走秀结束后,他总是身穿牛仔靴和牛仔裤出来鞠躬,他拥有一片牧场,里面有豪华的印第安人圆锥形帐篷,令来访的奥普拉·温弗瑞(oprah Winfrey)也不禁艳羡不已。