So far it has carried out a wide range of activities in 12 countries, including upgrading of infrastructure and training of staff.
Proclaim that truth far and wide, and do so against the backdrop of God's perfect wrath that awaits everyone who does not repent and turn to Christ.
There are also millions of personnel from the different civilisations that work with us, so in fact we can spread them far and wide.
There are also millions of personnel from the different civilizations that work with us, so in fact we can spread them far and wide.
So far, you've only seen the <xf:input> and <xf:submit> controls, but XForms provides a wide range of form controls.
到目前为止,我们只用到了 <xf:input>和
So far this year the number of business- and first-class passengers on BA’s aircraft has fallen by 15% compared with the same period in 2008 (and an industry-wide decline of 17%).
At the far end of the bridge the walls of the city towered high above them and the brazen gates stood open in the gateway which was really wide but looked narrow because it was so very high.
The cracks are just surface cracks. They are less than 1mm wide and 3mm deep. And they will only go in so far, they will stop.
No matter what the road is flat, wide or narrow, so far as insisting, also you can enjoy the sunshine and color, indeed, it depends on how many and whether you will to accept.
These estates were scattered far and wide over the country, so that those who held them could not easily combine to rebel the king.
Vehicle classification is an important part of intelligent transport system. It is used in toll, transportation statistics and so on far and wide.
Her father's castle lay in ruins, the town and the villages were, so far as could be seen, destroyed by fire, the fields far and wide laid to waste, and no human being was visible.
The freedom, equality, responsibility and right, the spirit of faithfulness and so on, which the theory of contract included, have a wide and far-reaching impact around the world.
In pool tests so far, it has successfully located and approached a target consisting of a 7 cm (2.8 inch) -wide ring, intended to simulate an underwater recharging base for the vehicle.
So far this year the number of business - and first-class passengers on BA's aircraft has fallen by 15% compared with the same period in 2008 (and an industry-wide decline of 17%).
So far this year the number of business - and first-class passengers on BA's aircraft has fallen by 15% compared with the same period in 2008 (and an industry-wide decline of 17%).