So far she can understand and speak 13, 000 different sentences in English and Japanese, so she's already fairly intelligent.
It's in French and there's no option to use English so far, but the distro has a full desktop and application suite, so it's completely usable.
The best overall European history in English is the old “Fontana History of Europe”, but it was uneven in quality, and it suffered because the volumes appeared so far apart in time.
So far we had followed the standard pattern of English that children learn in elementary school.
Sad to say, Beijing does not, so far as I know, have a general-purpose English library that Chinese kids can use to build a taste for reading in English.
But they are so far unknown in Britain, chiefly because prenuptial agreements have had little legal force in English law (Scotland’s legal system is separate).
So far she can understand and speak 13,000 different sentences in English and Japanese, so she's already fairly intelligent.
As far as Twitter and other platforms go, the vast majority of those tweeting from within Iran are doing so in English.
So far, I have organized three English debating competitions in my classes. Every competition benefits me a lot. Some students perform even far beyond my expectations.
And its weapons systems are so accurate that were it positioned in the English Channel, its cruise missiles could pinpoint targets as far away as North Africa.
So far as English learning is concerned, strategically and tactically people must try to avoid the competition with their counterparts in the fundamental skills of English language.
She has so far published 10 albums, most of them in the Swedish language but some entirely in English.
So far this term, our class has organized a series of English corner, and no exception, this English corner is coming as what everyone expects. our class held this program in 301-1411 .
So far, few experiment reports on implementing portfolio assessment in teaching English writing in junior middle school have been published.
English teachers and researchers have long been engaged in the study of teaching methods, but so far they have not found a method that is applicable to all language contexts.
So far, I have organized three English debating competitions in my classes.
But I know my English level is still far from TOEFL request so I have to persist in improving my English.
So far as study on Themes in English is concerned, most scholars mainly follow Halliday with a little modification.
But they are so far unknown in Britain, chiefly because prenuptial agreements have had little legal force in English law (Scotland's legal system is separate).
In fact, so far I see that it is first to learn how to think in English with even very limited words.
What Saybot does do is so far different form the traditional teaching of English in China and from the other organizations like New Oriental and Wall Street English.
What Saybot does do is so far different form the traditional teaching of English in China and from the other organizations like New Oriental and Wall Street English.