Those more-refined analyses have not seen the hypothetical new particle, so for some reason it must not decay into bottom quarks.
The other reason is that mother bears may not be fat enough to produce milk for their babies, so some bears could stop having babies.
"For some reason I got off on the tie thing, which was so the least of it," Babrowski says.
Now I know that some things do not happen in life for a particular reason and this reason is often so amazing that you could not picture it even in your wildest dreams.
And it's not so much that these important factors have been left out, but for some reason it seems like their value is not clearly communicated most of the time.
When the overall economic climate improves so that uncertainty about the prospects of companies is no longer so pervasive, that will provide another reason for some investors to retreat from gold.
For some unaccountable reason, as Arthur Dimmesdale felt the child's eyes upon himself, his hand - with that gesture so habitual as to have become involuntary - stole over his heart.
Be sure to print some extra copies so you’ll have enough to add contacts at the last minute or to redo cards or letters that are misaddressed or need to be redone for some reason.
For some reason, the public responded negatively to this, forcing Shockley to, uh, pull out, so to speak.
For some reason, this view isn't shown by default, so you may need to open it by selecting Window > Show View > Other, and then, in the Show View window, selecting Test > WS Protocol Data.
出于某个原因,该视图默认不显示出来,因此您可能需要选择Window >ShowView >Other,,并在 Show View窗口中,选择Test >WSProtocolData来打开它。
So, for some reason it was safe in Athens and some fled to Athens.
So, changes in aspirin use could have been the reason for some of the extra heart attacks and strokes.
“Unwillingness to give help to others, unless there is some special reason for doing so, is a trait that runs through Chinese social relations in multifold manifestations,” he wrote.
Finally I jumped into the air and did some flying, and for some reason I saw a tree that seemed unusually realistic looking, so I flew in for a closer look.
I have asked many people for the reason why it could play on. Some American simply answered tipping was so natural that they have never questioned it.
This is one reason why some couples might not last - perhaps someone is so busy with school, extracurriculars, and work that he or she has less time for a relationship.
For some unaccountable reason, as Arthur Dimmesdale felt the child's eyes upon himself, his hand - with that gesture so habitual as to have become involuntary - stole over his heart.
One reason its deficit has risen so quickly is that those revenues have evaporated. They may not return again for some time.
This may seem like nitpicking in some cases, but those policies and conventions were presumably established for a good reason, so they should be upheld.
For some reason I crave sweets, so is there anything that I would like to eat in the winter?
Some small firms cite this as a reason for listing on London's AIM market for young stocks; 50 American firms have done so, most of them since 2004.
If for some reason a file system did reach 100 percent of its inodes used, you won't be able to create additional files, devices, directories, and so on in the file system.
It is perhaps for this reason that there are so many "lost" or "misplaced" creations to gather up, some of which have existed since the beginning of time and our first contraction cycle as creators.
The threats to health have multiplied, but so has our capacity to respond. For some reason, health brings out the very best in human creativity and determination.
It's better to have lots of things to do, so you can work on some of them as a way of not doing the task that, for whatever reason, you seek to avoid.
It's better to have lots of things to do, so you can work on some of them as a way of not doing the task that, for whatever reason, you seek to avoid.