So for the purpose of this list, I'll focus on what it all comes down to anyway — being happy.
So for the purpose of studying and learning the system with greater depth, it's often advisable to work with the tools separately before working with the integrated suite.
Note: you can clear this option to reduce merging, but for the purpose of this test, you will run a merge scenario with model files, so enable this option.
Monitor is usually deployed for the purpose of giving business users visibility and insight into the performance of their business, so that they can take informed action.
But this is a study with a twist, for its purpose is to calibrate a new approach to the subject—one that will gather information by the bucketload without the need to rely on quite so many boots.
A clothes drier is designed for the purpose of generating heat, so you can avoid bringing more heat into your home by drying your clothes on a line (or anything you can hang them on, for that matter).
It's a mammoth machine, designed for the delightful purpose of detecting particles so tiny you can fit hundreds of billions of them into a beam narrower than a human hair.
If so many managers see as necessary to make their data center to be fit for purpose, it may be important to know the current data center trends.
The PURPOSE element describes the reason you collect the information, such as for administration of the site, research and development, analysis, and so on.
And we will do so with the same sense of purpose that has guided our ties with the Japanese people for nearly 50 years.
The defendant must prove that he is not bringing in tobacco and so forth for a commercial purpose.
Materials to be used for structural purpose are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental condition.
I think one of the reasons my purpose statement has worked so well for me is that it incorporates beingness, and it isn't heavy on the doingness in a way that might make me feel pressured or stressed.
And right now the MPEG-LA licensing allows free use of H.264 for the purpose of streaming video over the Internet so long as you don't charge any money for it.
目前为了推广h . 264,MPEG - LA规定,只要你的视频用于互联网上的免费播放,就可以无偿获得使用许可证。
You are, however, trying to better understand and remember the subject itself, so group exercises where you share ideas are great for this purpose.
So everything which is antique can use for the purpose of designing the place with the Tuscan theme.
Otherwise, you have all the hassles of xml-verbosity, strange-looking documents, encoding headaches, and so on-without the benefits-speedy parsers tuned for a specific purpose.
For the happiness of human labor, this is what a glorious career, the purpose is so great!
Getting back to the example, Oracle USES its own cache, and using AIX file caching for this purpose only causes confusion, so you want to stop it.
Well, so in any case, we certainly inhabit a life world in which it is almost inconceivable for anyone to come along and tell us, "Language is not for the purpose of communication."
For the purpose of the experiment, he didn't change his eating habits. So, how did he do?
For the purpose of our mediation, we will return information from the session object in string form so it can be written to the logs. Enter the following method into the mediation handler class.
Memory ballooning is a technique in which the host instructs a cooperative guest to release some of its assigned memory so that it can be used for another purpose.
内存膨胀(Memory ballooning)是一种主机指示合作客户释放一些已分配内存以用于其他用途的技术。
The idea for Wax is to be very general purpose and flexible in video compositing and effects, so that you can compose your dream video sequence with ease everytime.
In March of 2007, Robert launched the not-for-profit Rails for All, with the purpose of giving back to the community that had given him so much.
Getting back to the example, Oracle USES its own cache, and using AIX 7 file caching for this purpose only causes confusion, so you want to stop it.
war file spec has this special directory called WEB-INF expressly for the purpose of hiding that stuff away, so why not use it?...
And then next we have to perform the tricky maneuver of subsequently denying personal authorship of this purpose so as to conclude that we "discovered" it - that it was "out there" waiting for us.
First, the ones who study abroad are no longer for the only purpose-study, they are often born in a rich family, so besides study, they want to travel more.
First, the ones who study abroad are no longer for the only purpose-study, they are often born in a rich family, so besides study, they want to travel more.