So how could I dare to be so dissatisfied as to head off on such a selfish and self-seeking whim?
I was still more than twenty points ahead of my opponent, Frank White, in the polls, so how could I be hurt?
But the other reason is that I don't even know — or really care — how Windows Server development actually proceeds, so how could I even compare and make an intelligent point?
I was pleasantly surprised how I could achieve this type of dynamic mapping with so little code.
Wondering how my mum could consume them so quickly, I began observing her daily routine for two weeks.
I could see how much everyone believed in me, and I wanted to show them how much I valued their support, so I kept trying.
So in this final section, I will discuss how the framework described could/should be extended to support the rest of the TCS features.
How could I still speak of beauty, and make esthetic remarks, when I am so sad, sad unto death?
And O, if you knew - if you could only half know how I loved him how anxious I was to have him - and how wrung I was between caring so much for him and my wish to be fair to him!
So avoid saying things like "How could I lend you money when it is well known that you never return a loan" or anything else which would be perceived as a judgment.
Someone from a culture so different from my own, how could I ever identify with her thoughts?
How could this person I trusted completely have done something so unthinkable that I couldn't — and still can't — wrap my head around it?
I know that saying that we should all be vegetarians is too much, so how about we could just eat basic meats like cows, pigs, chicken and turkeys?
So, for example, there's a magician-- The question is not, could I explain to you how the seance manages to do the amazing things that it does?
So how could we find things overlooked by others? The answer - I believe - has much to do with the resources we consume. Different kinds of resources have different characteristics.
As very often before, I wonder how the Middle Ages - otherwise so brutal and disgusting - could have bequeathed majesty that still uplifts 900 years on.
What was I thinking, telling Lavender about my baby blanket? How could I have been so stupid?
But it was a very prominent misprint and you will perhaps wonder how I could have been so careless as to overlook it.
I wondered how she could be so concerned, not knowing me, not even knowing my words.
But I did see in my work with Colombian adolescents that research on incentive motivation and dopamine could help me understand how some adolescents got so deeply involved with drug use.
I pulled into it in shock and a man came out. I asked him how a gas station could have been built so fast and he looked at me strangely.
On Thursday we'll do a more careful analysis and try and understand how I could have accomplished this seemingly magical task of solving an exponential problem so really quickly.
Even the smudged Windows framed a night so black that I could see nothing there but my own pale face. How do you cry for someone you hardly know?
I wanted a tool so easy to use that you could almost forget about drawing and just concentrate on WHAT you are trying to represent instead of HOW to draw it.
Where, by leaving out a Vowel to save a Syllable, we form so jarring a Sound, and so difficult to utter, that I have often wondred how it could ever obtain.
No matter how far away the event was or how long it lasted, I always came home at night so that I could be there when Chelsea woke up.
For a long time I could not understand how someone of his caliber could remain so intractably loyal to such an undeserving employer.
For a long time I could not understand how someone of his caliber could remain so intractably loyal to such an undeserving employer.