Paul can't drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm.
I often found myself telling my mom to drive more slowly, so that I could read all of the road signs we passed.
The magpie recovered, so I decided to drive it to where it was found.
Jeff was going to drive so I sat in the back seat and we drove out of CTC parking lot.
For example, instead of simply telling others they shouldn't don't really drive in a car so much/at all, I just keep reminding myself not to!
The following evening, I drive down to Bridgend so I can talk to the other girl from Pontycymmer—let’s call her Terri.
So I suppose scientific progress and world peace — and the things that we've all got in the back of our minds — have always got to drive us.
A devout Catholic, she'd drive me to St. Thomas the Apostle Church so I could serve the six A.M. mass as an altar boy, with her praying in the first row in the right pew.
This motorbike was so heavy and difficult to drive I think it would be impossible to make a longer bike. I think this record will stand for a very long time, " he added.
As part of my health drive I used to buy salad like lettuce and cucumber but when it mattered I simply did not bother preparing it so it inevitably went to waste.
So, here I should warn you that there is a serious discrepancy between the usual intuitive notion of acceleration, the one that you are aware of when you drive a car and the one that we will be using.
And though I was never short on confidence, my first week at college in the fall of 1953 was a tough one. I was so homesick that my mother had to drive three hours to the Amherst campus to see me.
On the drive home I told my father that I'd never forgive him for being so cruel to me.
She'd pick me up at school in the early afternoon and drive me over to the country club so I could get a head start on the other caddies.
As always, I had the whole backseat to myself, so I lay down and watched the tall buildings along Lake Shore Drive flicking past the window. "Sit up, Henry" said Mom.
Today I want to share 4 methods of using a USB drive or an external hard drive to make your computing portable so that you can leave your laptop at home for once.
As always, I had the whole backseat to myself, so I lay down and watched the tall buildings along Lake Shore Drive flicking past the window. "Sit up, Henry" said Mom. "We're here."
But, years ago, I began to slow down and drive oh so much more carefully when I looked around me to see my vehicle surrounded by future drivers.
So when my father asked if I would drive with him to Driefontein I was delighted.
You'd drive so far and sit for so long and I never even left the bench to play.
We had discussed business possibilities on the long drive, and I left Srey Neth's family with $100 so she could build and operate a small grocery shop on the village street outside her home.
I managed to drive a few hundred miles this year, so the car has been looking good in the driveway.
I've still got to drive myself home, so I am going to have to pass on this round of drinks.
I drive to my office. It takes me forty minutes, so I usually get there earlier.
I cycled in front of him got off my bicycle, and laid it down on the road in front of his car so that he couldn't drive off.
Kevin heads back down the aisle for another look and I lead the children toward the garden section so they can sit on the riding lawn mowers and pretend to drive.
Kevin heads back down the aisle for another look and I lead the children toward the garden section so they can sit on the riding lawn mowers and pretend to drive.