That is the reason why it is so special!
So, a "normal" variable (as in the examples above) is just a special case-a sequence with only one value in it.
The reason this full moon is so special is that it is in fine Angle to Uranus, planet of surprise.
We made a special ball, with a bell in it, so the kids can keep track of where the ball is and what it's doing by listening for it.
Yes, the sense of accomplishment was especially big for both of us, so there is a special attachment to it.
Arena polo is such an exciting form of the game and it will be truly special to play it at such an iconic venue in front of so many supporters.
The best way to remember a special holiday is to write it down or put it in an organizer so you can be reminded of it constantly.
In fact, a Token is a special kind of dictionary — and is accessed in the fashion of a dictionary — so it can contain whatever keys you like.
Setting all three options to 0 is acceptable; it can be treated as an unknown state (so there are four possible states: file, directory, special, and unknown).
Yet the iron intake is generally higher than what the bat needs, so it has a special process for secreting the excess.
A percent sign (%) is translated to a newline, so if you want a % or any other special character, precede it with a backslash (\).
So, there is untapped market potential there, but it is a special market, with special wants and needs.
The only way to really understand TDD is to do it, so let's start with a very simple example that doesn't require any special tools.
Turnout is always very low in special elections, so it will be difficult for either party to use the outcome as a barometer of the public mood.
What makes seashore paspalum so special is that it can survive and thrive in high-salt environments. So brackish water or partially salty water can be used to irrigate this grass.
So, it is essential to preserve anonymity (in special circumstances), even if we discourage it, while simultaneously improving trust.
Even so, AMD grumbles that it is still not competing on equal terms because of Intel's allegedly anti-competitive practices (such as special incentives for customers who favour Intel).
And you will see that it is a little bit too complicated, so the really useful ones are actually the special ones.
So, what is so special about Jean's book that should compel you to go out and buy it?
If we lived in the same city, I would make you feel like the most special woman in the world. It is a pity we are so far apart.
All this might not sound anything so special to you but for dads, it is, seeing that their children care so much about them will surely make them feel special.
In this example, the special replacement form will be the same printf for every line, so it is pre-stored in the FORMATTER variable before the second for loop begins.
So it is worth persisting and finding that special someone to take care of the people you LOVE.
It really is Relaxing to watch, so I thought I might add A special Forum For this series.
It is reported that Shereshevskii became so tortured with the accumulation of memories that he developed a special technique to help him forget.
Note that the portlet thinks it is talking directly to the Aggregator, so no special programming style is needed to write a portlet that is filtered.
Note that the portlet thinks it is talking directly to the Aggregator, so no special programming style is needed to write a portlet that is filtered.