In the north, the winter road appear white snow ice is the norm, so often seen riding a bicycle to slip.
A vector image prints at the highest resolution of the printer without the jagged pixels so often seen when you zoom in on bitmaps for printing.
The other lesson, however, is that science-so often seen as a way of arriving at clear-cut answers-is itself a process of muddling through to the truth.
Carmen Elcira had seen lately how old age had taken its bite out of him, and she had thought often that he was nearing the end, but even so, she felt unprepared when she found him like that.
Unlike high altitude aircraft, helicopters aren't so vulnerable to being seen by radar, as they fly low and are often hidden by the terrain. The big issue is the sound.
I have seen her fix all these things so often that I can do it just the way she does.
Oh, he comprehended well enough now the quiet bitterness of the smile that he had seen so often on his master's lips!
But we kept the story to ourselves, allowing ourselves only small, knowing smiles, like the one we had seen so often on Daddy’s face since he had come to terms with himself.
So might have been seen long and that might be correct on some servers, but very, very often the data type called "long" is actually 4 bytes.
"Always remember, because you have seen it as often as I have, magic occurs on Thursday night. So we will wait and see," Reid said.
It is because the eyes have seen many many unfortunate, so we should often cherish a grateful heart, grateful that we now have everything, thank your, thank you.
Long bended syllables are not often seen in blues tunes, so I never found the problem before.
Often, they aren't able to separate themselves from it, so every critique is seen either as a validation or condemnation of their self-worth.
A rich man, it is said, once asked a learned man why it was that learned men were so often to be seen in the houses of the rich, though rich men were very rarely seen in the houses of the learned men.
Now they have concocted a new excuse for the Moon Swirls being seen so often on SOHO.
现在他们捏造出了一个新借口(以解释)在 SOHO上经常看见卫星晕圈。
We don't go out to the cinema very often, so I tend to just watch them on TV. The best one I've seen recently was the Hangover.
The long, dry, black hair was stuck over the temples and partly veiled the green hollows of the cheeks, and yet in this face I recognized the pink and white, vivacious face which I had seen so often.
Technological change in the early climate policy models is often seen as non-economic, exogenous variable, so the in-depth analysis of the cause and effect of technological change is very difficult.
A rich man, it is said, once asked a leamed man why it was that men of science were so often to be seen at the doors of the rich, though rich men were very rarely seen at the doors of the learned.
So she changed the eldest into an eagle, which was forced to dwell in the Rocky Mountains, and was often seen flying in great circles in the sky.
A drawing or an inscription made on a wall or other surface, usually so as to be seen by the public. Often used in the plural.
A drawing or an inscription made on a wall or other surface, usually so as to be seen by the public. Often used in the plural.