Why did the postman come back so soon?
I am afraid I shan't see Peter and his goats, if we have to go away so soon again.
You can't have finished the novel so soon.
Even Massa looks briefly stunned by his own fervour so soon after the coma.
The Senate has not weighed in on the debate but it is expected to do so soon.
You married that unkind and unkingly uncle of mine so soon after my father 's death.
If it fails to do so soon that could hurt economic recovery in the months to come.
I loathed myself for coming so soon, in the afterglow of my man-of-the-world fantasies.
Him therefore I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me.
I need to figure out how I'm going to get some pictures up here, and hope to do so soon.
Even where taught, it is so soon replaced by typing, for all assignments, that the skill never sets.
"I did not expect his retirement to come so soon!" said a Netizen called Yilubaijiahei in a Sina Weibo microblog.
The fact that the trip comes so soon after a "shellacking" in the mid-term elections makes it even more important.
When I said good bye Mrs. Scott took me by the hand and wept. "Why did you come to us," she said, "if you must go so soon?"
Who would have guessed that the combination of subprime loans and a building boom would have become attractive again so soon?
Ocado’s sales have increased by 21% a year since 2007. Ocado nonetheless has yet to make a profit and seems unlikely to do so soon.
JClouds is working on some added built-in strategies so soon you can ask for large pools of resources with a decent chance of success.
As Tom merged his E82 coupe onto I-93 and headed for his new condo in North Andover, it seemed unwise to have bought a car and house so soon.
Felipe has brought many positives to the club since he joined and we all feel a sense of sadness that our relationship has ended so soon.
Mr. Isaacson treats “Steve Jobs” as the biography of record, which means that it is a strange book to read so soon after its subject’s death.
But he had not anticipated that the currency would so soon become a bolt hole for panicky investors fleeing turmoil in world financial markets.
Elsewhere, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Iowa, Vermont and Connecticut have all legalised gay weddings and Washington, DC, may well do so soon.
In fact there is little, if any, prospect of South Korea winning a bid for the cup so soon after its joint hosting, with Japan, of the 2002 event.
It must have been a most agreeable surprise to Mr. Bingley to see you all after him so soon; for, if I recollect right, he went but the day before.
Hence it is understood now, that the particles of water in the air form fog, or, which is the same, clouds, so soon as they come into a colder stratum.
Hence it is understood now, that the particles of water in the air form fog, or, which is the same, clouds, so soon as they come into a colder stratum.