Him therefore I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me.
Hence it is understood now, that the particles of water in the air form fog, or, which is the same, clouds, so soon as they come into a colder stratum.
But so soon as a little wind arises, the moist air is moved away, new dry air constantly takes its place, and coming into contact with the wet article, effects in a very short time the desired result.
But it's likely that we will need all of you to work this weekend so if any of you can't, please let me know as soon as possible.
As soon as King Aegeus saw the black sails, he was so upset and jumped into the sea.
Jack's mother was so tired. She fell asleep as soon as she lay down on the bed.
I was so excited and I knew as soon as I opened that magical box, my bright, shiny pogo stick would appear.
As soon as I saw the crowd of people down there, my heart beat so fast that I was unable to say a single word.
The members were quite friendly and welcoming so I soon signed up as a new member.
So he planned to buy a car as soon aspossible, and worry about a home later.
“I love Apple so much and hope to be back as soon as I can, ” Mr. Jobs said.
We're liaisoning with the department concerned so as to solve the problem as soon as possible.
Everything in your life that you take as so important, everything that is so real to you will not matter and soon be forgotten as if it never mattered at all.
These files contain both source and compiled versions of the client/server application, so you can begin using them as soon as they're in your CLASSPATH.
这些文件包含客户机/服务器应用程序的源代码和已编译的版本,因此,只要把它们放到 CLASSPATH 中,就可以使用了。
As soon as she could do so without an appearance of too great rudeness, she rose and left him there alone.
ANNOUNCER: so as soon as we start to speak, we bombard a potential listener with information about ourselves.
But Apple gets all the money as soon as customers buy, so cash hits the balance sheet long before revenues show up.
Again, your goal is to never leave anything blank or incomplete, so as soon as you have finished with the easier layers of the text, you can move on to the more complex ones.
Children cope better when they are healthy, so be sure your children get needed healthcare as soon as possible.
You can be notified whenever there is important new information on any of your IBM products so you can know as soon as possible if there is an issue that affects you.
But even so, as soon as Parliament began debating mandatory iodization in 2002, strong lobbies formed against the measure.
She tried calling him, but of course got no answer, so as soon as she had enough money (forgoing her usual salon treatments to save up), Carmen Elcira bought a plane ticket to Costa Rica.
You must know as soon as possible when performance is substandard so that it can be corrected immediately.
You must know as soon as possible when performance is substandard so that it can be corrected immediately.