I feel so unsure as I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor.
Oh... I feel so unsure, As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor.
However, its contradictory that Im always so unsure about my choice, and just seeing those sushis passing by.
But although they find the present quite comfortable, it is a long time since they felt so unsure about the future.
Can countries like Ukraine or Belarus be blamed for wondering what Europe can offer them while France, a founder member, is so unsure itself?
Manuel Almunia has not had a full training session since injuring his elbow against West Brom last Saturday so Wenger is also unsure if he will figure.
A youngster who is constantly made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantly compared to brighter brothers, sisters, or Cousins, will become so unsure, so afraid of failing, that he won't try at all.
There are a lot of things I'm unsure of, so it's going to be good working with you.
So the issue is not really that we are unsure how to estimate, it is that we need to either add ridiculous contingency to our estimates or admit that we are less than 100% confident in them.
So when you are unsure of what to do, close the door, make sure no one is around, look in the mirror, and tell yourself the truth.
So they could become a reliable source of demand for such cars, which carmakers feel they ought to make but are unsure if they can sell.
I can't cover all the bases, so if there is anything that you are unsure about, or anything that makes you uncomfortable, please leave a comment and I'll do my best to address it.
There is no glory in war and the boys on both sides—and so many are just boys—are human; terrified and unsure about what they are fighting for.
给敌人赋予人性的光彩会令“咱们的阿兵哥”和观众怀疑道义的存在。 然而今非昔比,战争中不再有荣耀可言,敌我双方都是人,其中有很多还只是孩子;他们都不清楚为何而战,都惧怕战争。
The elk stepped ever so carefully, tentative and unsure, until it reached the trees on the far side of the road.Before it slipped away into the forest, it looked back at me.
The elk stepped ever so carefully, tentative and unsure, until it reached the trees on the far side of the road. Before it slipped away into the forest, it looked back at me.
I have not tested the configuration on the stable release, 2.4.18, so I am unsure on how well it will work.
Most Pocket PCs use ARM (Intel) processors, so if you are still unsure, try the 'arm' version for 'Windows CE 3' and the 'armv4' version for 'Windows CE 4'.
大部分PocketPC使用的是ARM处理器(译者注:可以google处理器型号查看是否是ARM。) ,如果你还是不能够确定,那么可以尝试适合'WindowsCE3'的'arm'版本或者适合'Windows CE4' 的'armv4'版本。
Second, offering a lengthy explanation makes you sound guilty and unsure, so people might push further to see if you will agree.
What it says about you is that you're nervous, unsure or unprepared. So, stop fidgeting. Fidgeting, rocking and swaying don't serve any purpose.
Because there were so many chessmen, each of whom could move in several ways, I was unsure whether I would ever master the game.
So I don't know if he was getting pelted or he was unsure of what guy he was going to shoot at?
So don't be afraid to ask if you're saying the right word properly and if the audience is unsure about it then you can always make a joke out of it.
So even if you are unsure about what career you want to follow eventually, you can still study chemistry and know that you're keeping your options open.
So even if you are unsure about what career you want to follow eventually, you can still study chemistry and know that you're keeping your options open.