I deeply sorption, soak into the depths heart.
Poly to the surprise and sadness are Parting soak into the depths of the heart!
After each application, these products soak into the soil, sometimes permanently polluting aquifers.
If the food wrapped in a newspaper, it will soak into the food, and then enter the body with the food.
Product simple, fresh, unique style, smell fragrant soak into the depths of bamboo heart, elegant and refined, unique.
In heavily sloped areas, higher flow systems like sprinklers can cause the water to run off before it has a chance to soak into soil.
When washing clothes or a rainy day, the water can enter these pores, especially hot steam in the kitchen, easier to soak into the case.
Iron over the area covered with wax using an iron set at a low to medium heat - this should cause the wax to melt and soak into the paper towels.
I love this sunblock - it is a "barrier" sunblock so it does not have potentially harmful chemicals that soak into the skin, which is great for kids.
In addition, must be prepared ahead of time about 1l of ice water, and ice. 4 lemon slices, soak into the ice water, the cooked chicken soak for 20 minutes.
Theoretical analyses show that the cutting fluid can difficultly soak into the tool-chip interface within extremely short separating time though there is some action in the UVC process.
According to local sheriffs, he often slips into a house just to soak in a hot bath or steal mint-chip ice cream from the fridge.
Soak black mushrooms in water for 15 minutes. Drain and cut into small pieces.
Rather than stay at home with wet towels over our heads, we headed to the lake to sit in the shade and soak in the cool water of Kulkwitzer, an old mine turned into a lake.
If a sheep should slip into a river or stream its wool would soon soak up the water and become completely saturated.
Forests of artificial 'trees' should be planted across Britain to soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, according to a report into climate change.
To make tofu, first soak beans in water for about 10 to24 hours. The softened beans are boiled, and then formed into blocks 10cm by 6cm by 4cm.
做豆腐时先用水浸泡大豆12 ~24小时,然后把已经泡软的大豆磨碎,做成横6cm,竖10 cm、高4cm的四角正方体。
Floating, microscopic plants, known as phytoplankton, soak up the sunlight and the nutrients stirring in the Southern Ocean and grow into prodigious blooms.
The new jobs created this month won't soak up new entrants into the labour market, let alone re-engage the millions that lost their jobs in the recent severe recession.
Dump iron into the sea to boost plankton growth and soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Simply crush the newspaper into a ball, soak it in the water/vinegar mixture, then squeeze the excess moisture out, leaving the paper just damp.
Multi-purpose travel towels packed like pills. Simply pop one out, soak with a little water and the pill instantly transforms into a sturdy towel.
Pour into a suitable container and soak the stained part of the garment in the warm milk as soon as possible.
There's a simple reason for inverting your sushi: the molded rice base will disintegrate if dipped directly into soy sauce. The rice will also soak up too much sauce, ruining the flavor balance.
Put on that wetsuit and dive down into the coral reef to soak up the beautiful visions that nature has provided us.
Cut the vermicelli into sections and soak in water.
Send me the love that would soak down into the centre of being, and from there would spread like the unseen SAP through the branching tree of life, giving birth to fruits and flowers.
Send me the love that would soak down into the centre of being, and from there would spread like the unseen SAP through the branching tree of life, giving birth to fruits and flowers.