So for me, returning to Johannesburg for the World Cup was as much about soccer as it was a chance to see firsthand how the city has been transformed.
The Dutch coach, Bert van Marwijk, said Saturday that it was too risky for Robben, one of the top Dutch players, to play on Monday at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg.
In addition to the presence on the billboards, the sponsorship entitles Yingli to set up displays of its products at the Soccer City Stadium in Johannesburg.
The main stadium, Soccer City in Johannesburg, is at 1701 metres.
AFP's team of the tournament for the 2010 World Cup, which concluded on Sunday when Spain beat the Netherlands 1-0 in the final at Soccer City in Johannesburg.
About 90,000 fans mostly dressed in South Africa's team colors of yellow and green, packed into the newly refurbished Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg on Friday.
Soccer City, also known as the FNB Stadium, seen in Johannesburg on May 11, 2010.
Argentina's Carlos Tevez scores a goal past Mexico's goalkeeper Oscar Perez during a 2010 World Cup second round soccer match at soccer City stadium in Johannesburg June 27, 2010.
About 90,000 fans mostly dressed in South Africa's team colors of yellow and green, packed into the newly refurbished Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg on Friday.
Soccer City Stadium is located in Johannesburg and it was originally built in 1987.
With a 4-1 victory over South Korea Thursday at Soccer City in Johannesburg that wasn't as close as the scoreboard suggested, Argentina gained its second win and secured the top spot in Group B.
阿根廷周四在约翰内斯堡足球城(Soccer City)体育场以4比1的比分大胜韩国,以两战全胜的战绩在B组占据积分第一的位置。而这个比分都还不足以体现两队在场上表现的差距。
Fireworks light up the sky over Soccer City stadium in Soweto in suburban Johannesburg after the 2010 World Cup football final between the Netherlands and Spain July 11.
Argentina's Gabriel Heinze (left) and Mexico's Ricardo Osorio fight for the ball during their match at Soccer City in Johannesburg June 27.
Argentina's Gabriel Heinze (left) and Mexico's Ricardo Osorio fight for the ball during their match at Soccer City in Johannesburg June 27.