Neuroscience has revealed which brain circuits are responsible for functions like understanding what other people think, empathy, fairness, and social identity.
You also examine the immense variability of English and come to understand how it is used as a symbol of both individual identity and social connection.
Linguistic factors influence how we judge personality, intelligence, social status, educational standards, job aptitude, and many other areas of identity and social survival.
The way in which people use social space reflects their social relationships and their ethnic identity.
Social identity theory states that our identities are formed through the groups to which we belong.
Our social identity will in large part be determined by the percentage of time we spend being "discoverable".
Our social identity will in large part be determined by the percentage of time we spend being “discoverable”.
The internet was supposed to transcend colour, social identity and national borders. But research suggests that the internet is not so radical.
The internet was supposed to transcend colour, social identity and national borders.
Seen in the light of social identity theory, then, the boys in the experiment do have a reason to be selfish about the allocation of the virtual cash.
From a criminological standpoint, it may actually cause more deviant or criminal behavior because of the negative effect on an individual's social identity.
It is our inheritance and hinterland, our collective consciousness and DNA, our identity and social glue.
Stigma allows an observer to make quick, decisive judgments about a person's social identity with little mental effort.
But in primary schools history teaching has an entirely different aim-to form historical consciousness and social identity!
They have linked clients to social services, helped obtain identity documents for marginalized groups, and promoted savings as a medium-term strategy to help CCT households out of poverty.
Merging implies the reconstruction of a new social identity.
Dress, as the symbol of social identity and status, plays an significant role in human kind's life at all times.
Civil society is not only a "citizen" who constitute the social identity, but also provides an opportunity for ordinary citizens play a role in society.
How do these children face the personal and social identity issues that may confront them during and after their enrollment as hard of hearing children in regular school?
The youth possess of appropriate morality cognizance and social identity and after touching the network, the youth' morality cognizance has no abnormality.
The legal structure of law interpretation is a social process constituted of law inference of form rationality, value judgment of value rationality and social identity of association rationality.
The social identity consciousness is a social consciousness accepted or agreed with by the social public.
In the context of social transition, social identity of the migrants is turning passive to active.
The social identity theory developed from the explanations for intergroup behavior, it proposed that group identity is the fundamental cause of intergroup behavior.
Second, value becomes many faceted, which brings deficiency of the social identity of middle school students' honesty and trustworthiness.
If this social identity is salient, group members will be influenced to behave in a way that is consistent with the content of this identity and with group norms.
If this social identity is salient, group members will be influenced to behave in a way that is consistent with the content of this identity and with group norms.