I'm also a social anthropologist, diseuse, chanteuse, children's book illustrator.
Social anthropologist Silvia Basua spends several hours each week helping families to gather the documents they need to register with the state.
"Basically we are descended from a long line of successful flirts and it is hard-wired into our brains," social anthropologist Kate fox told AFP.
In her book Watching the English - the Hidden rules of English Behavior, Kate Fox, a British social anthropologist, describes her country's humor rules.
For Fisher, a biological not a social anthropologist, has studied just how much of a part the predominant chemicals in our brains play in determining our personality.
This article deals with the study of the metropolitan Geomantic configuration as well as the environmental evaluation process of Beijing City in the view of a social anthropologist.
The anthropologist Mary Douglas has pointed out that, for the English, the kind of meal and the kind of food that is served relate to the kinds of social links between people who are eating together.
Levy, an anthropologist, first came to southern Jordan in 1997 to examine metallurgy's role in social evolution.
Being raised by more than one person also enhances social skills, theorizes anthropologist Sarah Hrdy, author of "Mothers and others" (Belknap Press, 2009).
But as anthropologist Herbert Spencer describes in his theory of the social organism, society is a system of interrelated parts that operate interdependently.
Every foreigner of inquiring mind becomes a part-time anthropologist, wondering and smiling at the new social rituals of his adoptive country.
Every foreigner of inquiring mind becomes a part-time anthropologist, wondering and smiling at the new social rituals of his adoptive country.