The finding shows how sensitive rats are to social cues, even when they come from basic robots.
Young children being raised bilingual have to follow social cues to figure out which language to use with which person and in what setting.
Advertisements and social cues bombard consumers to eat.
The dogs apparently recognized and responded to the humans' social cues.
So it doesn't necessarily surprise us that social cues can impact our verbal ability.
Moreover, many social cues are subtle, and not easily noticed by even the most attentive psychologists.
In a subsequent session on children's minds, Kuhl tells us about the importance of social cues in early learning.
The emphasis is on active learning, but not teaching. Hence social cues and award functions are not necessary.
Just as humans use smiles and body language as social cues in different situations, our canine friends do the same.
"Our brains pick up complex social cues and process many subtle things," she said. "Computers are nowhere near getting there."
Including social cues in search results seemed like a natural progression of search, but that kept the idea of intention out of the mix.
在搜索结果中暗藏社交线索,这看上去是搜索历史进程中非常自然的一步,可是用户已经有这么多选择了,他们使用Google + 1的动力何在。
Lonely people are more likely to perceive ambiguous social cues negatively, and enter a self-preservation mindset - worsening the problem.
"Smiles are important social cues that may tell us whether or not someone is friendly and eyes are also a traditional focus of attention," Little said。
The left middle temporal gyrus is associated with "reading" social cues, while the third - the right entorhinal complex - is thought to be important in memory and navigation.
左中部的颞回与“解读”社会线索有关,而第三个区域 ——右侧的嗅觉综合体系,被认为在记忆和辨别方向中有重要作用。
Previous studies have concluded that wolves are not interested in human social cues and will not, for example, follow a pointing finger, even if that finger would lead them to food.
New research suggests that loneliness is not necessarily the result of poor social skills or lack of social support, but can be caused in part by unusual sensitivity to social cues.
The explanation is that people’s sense that they need to do something, even in situations of peril, decreases with more people because we take our social cues from the inactivity of others.
对这种现象的解释是: 当人们感觉到他们需要采取某种行动时,这种感觉的程度会随着身边人数的增多而减少,因为我们会从别人的不作为中得到某些社会信息, 使我们也不想作为,哪怕是在危险的情况下.
Understanding social cues, creating works of art and spawning inventions are all crucial mental tasks that bear little relationship to how well a person can fill in a printed test form.
Social proxies can be used in a variety of ways — but the main thing to remember is that they encourage people to participate because they can "see" the social cues being exhibited by others.
Because they don't understand social cues like facial expressions or tone of voice, children with ASDs have trouble interpreting what others are thinking or feeling. They may lack empathy as well.
When they write of their childhoods, it could be a description of a gifted child's life - confused about social cues, self-conscious and out of kilter with the interests and language of their peers.
I realize she doesn't understand all the social cues or understand when someone speaks louder than "normal" - some people are hard of hearing or just emotionally charged up, not necessarily angry.
His work has found that the most effective interventions focus on addressing "maladaptive social cognition" — that is, helping people re-examine how they interact with others and perceive social cues.
We said that people are good at having social relations –talking with each other and interpreting cues such as facial expressions.
Staying sensitive to social behaviors and cues when we're with others is important to social computing success.
Earlier research emphasized how evolution primed us to meet and mate: how men and women choose partners by looking for cues like facial symmetry, body shape, social status and resources.
It's so easy to take our cues from others, after all we're social animals.
In complex social situations like work Settings, people rely on facial expressions and verbal emotional cues to interact with others.
Not showing the normal preference for eye fixation may also affect a child's social growth by lowering a child's ability to interpret and react to emotional cues communicated by the eyes.
Not showing the normal preference for eye fixation may also affect a child's social growth by lowering a child's ability to interpret and react to emotional cues communicated by the eyes.