Goy Motor Company is an automotive social enterprise.
The fourth section discusses how the social enterprise affects the distributive justice.
However, as is always the case in all science, research is a long term and social enterprise.
Please give us some explanations about the history of se by taking a key social enterprise as an example.
In its ascent to Internet superpower, social enterprise Facebook has amassed an enormous amount of user information.
In 2011, she was awarded the Breakthrough Prize in Social Enterprise from British Council and Narada Foundation.
As the founder of my own social enterprise I had no boss questioning the quality of my work or insisting I stick to deadlines.
He has quit his job as a research analyst and found a perfect new start setting up his own social enterprise in Madagascar.
One entrepreneur I know, whose FOPSE (For-Profit Social Enterprise) is in Africa, has adopted the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
One of my friend granted SE a simple and smart definition, which is "Social Enterprise is to solve social problems with business concepts".
BRAC's first social enterprise was a printing press that supplied books and other printed materials to the organization's schools and education programs.
Improve Social Culture, Assist Small and Medium Social Enterprise, Help the Poor and Weak people, Increase the Consciousness for the Great Change in 2012.
While this opens the door for amazing new possibilities it also presents new challenges to management especially when you have the resources of a social enterprise.
Eden Full is the 19-year-old Canadian founder of Roseicollis Technologies, a solar energy start-up. She began developing her social enterprise when she was 15.
EdenFull,19岁,加拿大太阳能研究机构Roseicollis Technologies创始人,她15岁就开始创业了。
Compre with social enterprise operating mechanism, we using policy network analysis method in order to built policies recommendations which based on social enterprise networks.
The discussion represents an emerging law of Enterprise 2.0 Inevitably, a consumer trend in the social technology space will start to seep into the business world.
Furthermore, you have some hints on how to overcome common objections to enterprise social software and how to promote adoption.
But now, a search will provide profiles from your company's entire address book, acting very similar to the way enterprise social networking platforms treat user profiles.
To deny enterprise workers the benefit of social networking is equivalent to, 10 years ago, forcing them to communicate with colleagues by telegraph.
That theory might work for baseball fields in Hollywood movies, but it probably won't work for enterprise social software.
Reading, it turns out, is not apassive, solitary enterprise; it is deeply tied to social activities.
Enterprise social computing offerings provide increasing marginal productivity as they scale, at both the individual and organizational level.
In this article, we've Shared the journey of customers who have taken the first steps into enterprise social software.
Revenue grew 13% from video systems for ISPs, 12% from collaboration services like video conferencing and enterprise social networks and 107% from the data center division.
From an organizational perspective, the use of social computing is part of what's called Enterprise 2.0.
从组织的角度来看,社会计算的使用是所谓的Enterprise 2.0中的一部分。
From an organizational perspective, the use of social computing is part of what's called Enterprise 2.0.
从组织的角度来看,社会计算的使用是所谓的Enterprise 2.0中的一部分。