Children should not be seen purely as a passive object in the process of social evolution.
Levy, an anthropologist, first came to southern Jordan in 1997 to examine metallurgy's role in social evolution.
Dr. Chapais said that the new findings "validate and enrich" the model of human social evolution proposed in his book.
Was there anything that was comparable to life and historic progress of social evolution figurative from "fission"?
It's not a reach to say these extreme and prolonged climate activities could have affected the trajectory of social evolution.
Kangs concept of social evolution was therefore not derived from the Western theory of evolution, but from the Confuci...
With the social evolution from industrial society to information society, the human being is entering into the service society little by little.
Social conflicts, as a universal phenomenon, has existed since the beginning of our human society and exerted significant influences on social evolution.
We must adapt resourcefully to industrialism as a necessary stage of social evolution, monitoring the process with a cunning eye for its life-saving potentialities.
Conflicts, as generally existent social phenomena, has existed since the beginning of our human society and exerted significant influences on social evolution.
"Their idea that the blind gut might have been a very important facilitator of social evolution is certainly well supported by their review of the data," Martin said.
Meanwhile, the evolution of rule of law will, to some degree, help shape the social forms, prompt the change of society and thus be the significant landmark of social evolution.
This plan will enable you to grow into your social networking strategy, keep you aware of where you are positioned on your roadmap, and maintain the build-up to the next step in your social evolution.
This says that the winnowing of the gene pool, whichdrives evolution, can favour or destroy entire social groups as singleentities, as well as working at the level of individual organisms.
If living hunter-gatherers are typical of ancient ones, the new data about their social pattern has considerable bearing on early human evolution.
The social science middle-ground, lately known as sociobiology, claims that we learn at least some specific cultural behaviors on the basis of biological need and evolution.
Experts have long suspected that complex social interaction drove the evolution of large brains in humans.
Here are some of the interesting one "How are mobile phones changing social media", "Journey of a Tweet", "Evolution of Twiter" and a lot more.
The social insects, she said, are “the most interesting creatures evolution has produced.”
A pioneer in the area of "microblogging," Twitter is, as Alex Iskold recently wrote, a natural evolution of personal publishing that fills the gap between blogging and social networking.
Twitter作为“微博客(microblogging)”领域的开创者之一,正如alex Iskold最近撰文所指出,它是为沟通个人博客与社交网络之间关联而出现的一个自然的演化。
He has studied the evolution of skull sizes 1.9 million to 10, 000 years old as our ancestors and Cousins lived in an increasingly complex social environment.
Adding this functionality seems like a natural evolution for social networking sites, and we expect that other social networks will follow in MySpace's footsteps soon.
That may be a hint that the action evolved as a social cue - "time for us all to go to bed" - although as usual when evolution and human behaviour meet, the tie is speculative at best.
Could it be that, in some sense, the point of evolution has been to create these social brains, and maybe even to weave them into a giant, loosely organized planetary brain?
Humans are social animals and have been refined by evolution to be extremely sensitive to social interactions.
Through the lens of evolution then, a belief in God serves a very important purpose: Religious belief set us on the path to modern life by stopping cheaters and promoting the social good.
Researchers from Arizona State University's School of Human Evolution and Social Change in the US, interviewed 101 women alongside 812 of their closest friends and relatives.
Researchers from Arizona State University's School of Human Evolution and Social Change in the US, interviewed 101 women alongside 812 of their closest friends and relatives.