Source: Republic of Korea "Social Indicators in Korea" 2002.
Because despite the enormous progress achieved in social indicators, women and girls still lag behind economically.
The report, published in the journal Social Indicators Research, said this could be due to older people being more appreciative.
Begum Khaleda and Wolfowitz recognized the country's high growth, good macro-economic management and improvement in social indicators.
These rankings, for 2010, are based on an index of 71 economic and social indicators, as diverse as new patents, mobile phone subscriptions and availability of venture capital.
The forest management unit level indicators depend on local, often site-specific, environmental factors such as forest type and topography, local economic and social considerations and priorities.
Many of the indicators for social flow are similar to what we'd experience in solitary flow, but with a few interesting additions.
Scarves and shawls are also indicators of social standings.
The mortality, incidence, and DALY indicators do not reflect this hidden burden of social impact.
"Women in America: Indicators of Social and Economic Well-Being" offers a look at the full measure of a woman's life.
But record labels have become wary of social-media indicators.
One of the key indicators of happiness is having a strong social network, and the workplace is no exception.
The research assumptions and indicators for social capital from peasants are made, and a factor analysis and index decomposition is carried on social capital from peasants.
Second, financial markets are social phenomena, which means that economic performance is as much determined by market participants' beliefs as it is by fundamental indicators or textbook policy.
The factors that influenced SWB are the psychological indicators, such as social support, anxiety and so on.
The number of social subsystem, economic subsystem, resources subsystem and the environment subsystem was respectively 11, 8, 4, 9, with a total of 32 indicators.
Detailed physical data is recorded for each baby, and they also jot down four development indicators of movement, language ability, social sentiment and recognition for each of the babies.
In the process of evaluation, firstly, the indicators of city classification and intensive land use were collected, which mainly included city construction land and relative social-economic data.
The Gini coefficient or index is perhaps one of the most used indicators of social and economic conditions.
基尼 系数是被最广泛应用的社会 经济指标之一。
Hu Angang, Wei Xing. Governance Capacity and Social opportunity-an Empirical Research Based on Global Governance Indicators. Hebei Academic Journal, 2009 (1).
胡鞍钢,魏星。治理能力与社会机会—基于世界治理指标的实证研究[J]。河北学刊,2009 (1)。
Social orientation only exerted impact on some of the relationships between dimensions of current concerns and indicators of psychological well-being.
Report presented at Conference on "Indicators for Social Inclusion: Making Common EU Objectives Work."
向「社会包含的指标:让共同的欧盟目标发挥作用」会议 发表的报告。
Report presented at Conference on "Indicators for Social Inclusion: Making Common EU Objectives Work."
向「社会包含的指标:让共同的欧盟目标发挥作用」会议 发表的报告。