Simply analyze that enterprise is not only economic man, but also social man to shoulder social responsibility.
The contradiction or conflict between a natural man and a social man is always a problem that human face and discuss.
The nature of a state is a social man rather than an economic man, with a dualism of being both self-interested and altruistic.
It is shown by study that human natures consist of economic man, social man, conscious man, complicated man, utility man and so on.
The appreciating ability of design has become part of the basic education that every social man must have, and it should be improved urgently.
This paper explains their humanism thoughts and its realistic significance from the three aspects of natural man, social man, and historical man.
Because their value is devotion, it devotes the society. The best way is you go to work, and as worker and shop girl. So they called "Social man" in Japanese.
Employment discrimination is a well concerned social problem, as every social man will start a career, and therefore will face all kind of employment problems.
Meanwhile, humanity hypothesis in management may be summarized as six models: economic man, social man, self achieved man, complex man, cultural man and learning man.
The personality hypothesis in management studies, starting from "economic man", is unfolded along the track of "social man", "self-fulfilled man", "complex man", and etc.
Community is a region social in sociology. Based on the assumption that human nature is social man, all the various social phenomenon and essence regular are revealed in sociology.
The third chapter focuses on the theoretical basis of insurance demand and consumption, involving economic man and social man, social institution of demand and consumption, economic rationality.
Man was defined as a rational being, as a social animal, an animal that can make tools, or a symbol-making animal.
Teresa posted a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website accompanied by the touching words: "What a blessing this young man was to our family!"
In his works, he paid special attention to the "little man" at the bottom of society in the UK, which deeply mirrored the social reality at that time.
“No man is an island, ” and we are the type of being that does well only in social settings.
'my mother used to say of my father, he's a brilliant man but a social failure,' Ndesandjo told reporters.
The French philsophes, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Voltaire reacted to the social conditions they saw and sought to establish universal rights of man.
The applied science of social physics, social engineering, can deal with man in the same way technology deals with copper and hydrogen.
I would love to extend the concept of empowerment, freedom (given by Agile) to the common man in social life.
A social psychologist by training, McGregor was strongly affected by work he did as a young man at his grandfather’s institute for transient labourers in Detroit.
When it comes to getting at the truth, subjects like green and corporate social responsibility (CSR) rank right up there with asking a middle-aged man why he bought the sports car.
Prof Gershuny said: "the man in the kitchen is part of a much wider social trend."
Social conditioning reinforces these behaviours in men by teaching them to 'act like a man', 'put on a brave face' and 'boys don't cry'.
Concubinage is the state of a woman or youth in an ongoing, quasi-matrimonial relationship with a man of higher social status.
As he set out cuts in civil-service pay, social programmes and pensions, Mr Zapatero had the look of a man who has seen the writing on the wall.
A police officer arrested the protester, identified by the British Press Association as a man known as "Jonnie Marbles" on the social networking service Twitter.
警方随后逮捕了袭击者。据英国记者协会称,袭击男子在社交网络服务t witter上以“JonnieMarbles ”自称。
Thus man was defined as a rational being, as a social animal, an animal that can make tools, or a symbol-making animal. CET-6, 2004.1.
Twitter's inventor was inspired by how taxi drivers communicate over the radio, according to a Vanity Fairprofile on the man who created the social media phenomenon.
根据发明网络社交媒体服务的Vanity Fair,twitter创始人创建t witter的灵感是来自于出租车司机通过无线电广播之间的交流。
His rise from working-class obscurity to king’s righthand man has always fascinated historians as an exemplar of ruthless Tudor social mobility.
出身低微来自工人家庭的他,最终成功升任为国王重用的大臣。 克伦威尔的故事一直被史学家们津津乐道,被用来证明都铎王朝统治时期社会阶层之间具有巨大的流动性。