Advances in medicine and science continue to race ahead, yet an ever greater proportion of the world's population is left behind for a host of reasons, including those with economic and social causes.
According to a study published in Social Science and Medicine, fear of unemployment is much worse than actual unemployment in terms of long-term health problems.
The results of the study, which also involved teams from the University of New England and the Australian National University, are published in the journal Social Science and Medicine.
The findings, published in the March issue of the journal Social Science & Medicine, suggest the need for public health initiatives that target unemployed people.
The study appears in Social Science &Medicine, published by the Dutch publishing house Elsevier.
The study appears in Social Science & Medicine, published by the Dutch publishing house Elsevier.
At least bachelor degree on medicine, public health, social and behavior science, epidemiology, health services planning and management; has priority with project management working experience.
In her paper, A Pill for Every Ill, which is published in the current Social Science & Medicine, Busfield lays part of the blame on the pharmaceutical industry. She finds evidence of
Social Science& Medicine,Volume 71, Issue 11, December 2010
Social Science& Medicine,Volume 71, Issue 12, December 2010
It is suggested that modern medicine should be classified to such discipline or field which parallels with natural science and social science, and …
Social medicine is an emerging frontier branch of science between medicine and sociology, the main objectives of which is to explore medical problem of society and social problems of medicine.
Social medicine is an emerging frontier branch of science between medicine and sociology, the main objectives of which is to explore medical problem of society and social problems of medicine.