Unless you have absolute confidence in the site that is asking for it, never give up your computer password, your social security number or your credit card information.
Don't give out your social security number or your credit card info except to known and trusted sources.
No, all that's necessary to fool a bank is your birth date and us social security number, or just discarded credit card offer junk mail taken from your bin.
That 's when someone USES your personal information like your name, your social security number, or your credit card number to commit fraud.
That's when someone USES your personal information like your name, your Social Security number, or your credit card number to commit fraud.
In addition, it's email that tries to get you to give up something: your credit card number, social security number, login ID, etc., by pretending to be a legitimate email.
The online form will require that you provide either your California driver's license or identification card number, or the last four digits of your social security number.
该网上表格将要求您提供您的加州驾驶执照或身份证号码, 或社会安全号码的最后四位数字。
It goes without saying that you need to be very careful when giving out information like your Social Security number, birthdate, or your credit card Numbers.
It goes without saying that you need to be very careful when giving out information like your Social Security number, birthdate, or your credit card Numbers.