In this paper, a deep analysis was made from five angles on the design of China's social security tax system based on the traditional four-principle rule.
So I suggest that social security tax should be levied from pooling it from enterprises to tax authorities and administrative means should be replaced by law ones.
The article analyzes the necessity and feasibility of collecting social security tax in China at current stage, and suggests some specific measures in this regard.
The key problem is, what a social security tax system we should design that is fair and efficient itself but can fit to China in current realistic situation as well.
Mr Obama has suggested extending a cut in employees' Social Security tax, enacted in December, but most of his, and Republicans', attention is now given to cutting the budget deficit.
What "s more, a necessary regulation should be made of our existent systems of budgetary and income tax so as to successfully establish and actualize social security tax system."
As a particular tax in the state's raising social security funds, social security tax bears the characteristics of legality and mandatority that social security funds do not have.
They proposed curbing Social Security (pensions) payments, raising petrol (gasoline) taxes, slashing military spending and eliminating most tax breaks, while lowering personal and corporate rates.
He could be pointing out that making the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy permanent is a huge budget issue - over the next 75 years it would cost as much as the entire Social Security shortfall.
Or paper: seven years of back tax files, marriage and divorce papers, birth certificates, vehicle registrations, passports, insurance policies, Social Security CARDS, and so forth.
The difficulty here is to isolate the effects of fiscal-stimulus measures from the rises in social-security spending and falls in tax revenues that naturally accompany recessions.
Examples abound of databases being stolen: disks full of social-security data go missing, laptops loaded with tax records are left in taxis, credit-card Numbers are stolen from online retailers.
Under Spain's favourable tax laws, temporary non-Spanish residents are taxed at 24%, with minimal social security contributions, as compared to the top rate of 43% for Spanish nationals.
He also hopes to produce a plan to raise the consumption (sales) tax to help pay for an overhaul of the social-security system, which is about to face an onslaught of retiring baby-boomers.
Recent cuts in income tax and social-security contributions softened the crisis but greatly increased the long-term burden.
Unlike the rest of Europe, disposable income in Germany has stagnated in the past 10 years as wage increases were offset by rises in tax and social security contributions.
The Forum of Private Business, which represents over 25,000 small firms, is lobbying for cuts in tax and social security rates to help small companies at this critical point in the cycle.
At one point FBI agents checking her past-but naming no names — asked the IRS how it would normally handle her kind of social-security tax problem.
在一个点联邦调查局特工检查她的名字没有——问past -but命名美国国税局其如何处理她的一种社会保障的税收问题。
But it's easy to imagine the arguments that liberals would have discovered against, say, a sweeping payroll tax holiday it's undercutting Social Security!
Many experts and scholars have endeavored to study and research fund—raising approaches like "fee—to—tax", "social security lottery", "enterprise annum", "financial subsidy", etc.
Typical social-security-tax system of different types of country are selected, compared, analyzed and referred too the fifth part includes the design of social-security-tax system.
The payroll tax, used to support the social security system, has grown substantially in recent years and is now the second biggest revenue raiser at about 30%.
The tax system also weighs more heavily on retired workers: in 1985 only 10% of Social Security recipients were taxed;
And we must also begin a conversation on how to do the same for Social Security, while creating tax-free universal savings accounts for all Americans.
Corporative social security and accumulation fund still are being bought cannot cancel duty wu to register in land tax so.
法人的社保和公积金还在买所以不能在地税注销税务登记。 。
Ah, the company shipped do not easily ah, thousands of people to feed, to pay rent, tax, but also everyone to buy social security!
Ah, the company shipped do not easily ah, thousands of people to feed, to pay rent, tax, but also everyone to buy social security!