The traditional social skill training includes cognitive training, behavior training and emotional training.
Social stories are currently widely used on children with autism spectrum as a teaching method involving social skill training.
Social skill training, co-operative study strategy, self-perception training, sensitivity training could cure LD children's social problems.
There is age difference in the effect of social skill training, but children's gender is not an important factor which may affect the training's effects.
In solving the problem of children's emotional social skill shortage, people question datum and training effects of the traditional emotional social skill training model.
The effect of social skill training was evaluated according to the social avoidance and distress scale (SAD), social disability screening scale (SDSS), the rates of relapse and re hospitalization.
Labour and social security inspection of job placement agencies, vocational skill training agencies and vocational skill testing agencies shall be exercised in accordance with these Regulations.
The formulation of higher vocational major teaching plans should be oriented to social requirements; meet the needs of market and enterprises; emphasize on training of skill and capacity.
Relaxing skill training instrument, which is based upon biofeedback, is invented on the above mentioned social background.
It contains inquiry learning, social practice, community service, training of working skill and information technique.
Higher vocational colleges in strengthening to strict professional knowledge and professional skill training at the same time, also should pay close attention to its social ability.
In order to meet the social needs it is necessary for culinary vocational schools to intensify students' skill training, improve teaching their teaching quality so that they can bring up culina…
Emotional training model of social skill can enhance children's social skill markedly, but the verbal social skill's training effect is relatively more striking than emotional social skill.
Objective: to study the efficacy of social skill-training on the positive symptoms, negative symptoms and cognitive function of patients with chronic schizophrenia.
Therefore, this article aimed to explore a set of doable and available social-skill training projects through the joint efforts from experts, teachers and parents.
Since 1970s, western researchers had focused highly on children's social skills, especially in terms of the cultivation of them. And it started a strong wind of "social-skill training" in the society.
Since 1970s, western researchers had focused highly on children's social skills, especially in terms of the cultivation of them. And it started a strong wind of "social-skill training" in the society.