The normal case of social software is still failure; most of these experiments don't pan out.
Default options in social software have consequences for human behavior and social interaction.
Imagine you're developing social software. You spend hundreds or thousands of hours on the task.
The agent wants to make meaningful queries across social software applications based on his role.
And don't go thinking you can win by having more features: social software doesn't work like that.
Even if Gen Y was significantly better at using social software, it wouldn't matter at this point.
Social software suites and other microblogging services are likewise starting their downward trend.
This approach works well if the tag set remains consistent across different social software applications.
Another interesting consideration is that social software will have a big role to play in future ar apps.
They also included groups or departments who approached it with a clear business need for social software.
While doing research for a recent workshop, I came across a useful list of seven social software elements.
在为最近的一个研讨会做研究准备的时候,我无意中发现了一个有用的社会性软件(social soft ware)的元素清单,它包括七个元素。
Torkington suggests that social software should consider ways to make these serendipitious recommendations.
A strange consequence of all this is that much of the most successful social software was invented by accident.
To achieve a successful social software rollout, a clear adoption strategy and compelling use cases are critical.
Similarly with social software, identifying business goals lets you chart a clear path to what you want to achieve.
In this article, we've Shared the journey of customers who have taken the first steps into enterprise social software.
Lotus Connections is social software for business that helps you connect with the people and information that you need.
If you were going to build a piece of social software to support large and long-lived groups, what would you design for?
The Home page feature is based on widgets and allows you to extend the Lotus Connections social software platform easily.
That theory might work for baseball fields in Hollywood movies, but it probably won't work for enterprise social software.
Today, IBM sells social software like IBM Connections, which lets workers collaborate by sharing files and forming groups.
今天,IBM也销售诸如ibmConnections之类的社交软件。IBM Connections使工作人员可以通过文件共享和建立群组等方式实现协作。
Furthermore, you have some hints on how to overcome common objections to enterprise social software and how to promote adoption.
This process also provides you with before and after snapshots to demonstrate the effects of social software in your organization.
For the workshop, I borrowed an idea from Peter Morville \ \ \ 's user experience honeycomb and created a social software honeycomb.
Other customers have Knowledge Centers or advocates that partner with interested business areas getting started with social software.
Success in social software and collaboration will be characterized by a concerted and collaborative effort between IT and the business.
Using social software for development of traditional BPM applications will certainly help improve those applications, and is important.
Shirky's Law states that the social software most likely to succeed has "a brutally simple mental model... that's Shared by all users".
Shirky定律是说,最有可能成功的社交软件都有一个被所有用户都认同的,极其简单的心理模型(mental model)。
It's no accident that many of the people who've been most successful at building social software have strong interests outside computing.
In 2009, collaborative decision making will emerge as a new product category that combines social software with bi Platform capabilities.