Worker's social support network means the comparatively stable interpersonal relationship formed in working and life.
Achieving social justice needs not only to mobilize all social powers but also common efforts from different departments, so as to form a social support network.
As with other groups recovering from major illness or disability, groups can form a powerful social support network as well as opportunity to practice skills and share knowledge.
In a study of patients hospitalized for heart attacks, 38 percent of those without a social support network died in the hospital, compared with 11 percent of those who had support.
Having a network of social support and outlets for expressing emotion seem to be protective. Personality traits, on the other hand, play a surprisingly small part in predicting vulnerability.
When Facebook users posts the cause to their pages, announcing a donation or just their support, they automatically convey that action to all their friends on the social network.
Build a network of social support. During pregnancy, your partner may get support from health care providers, family and friends.
He will rely on a support network created through social media sites (Facebook, Twitter) and his website at
Unfortunately, for people who are not in a committed relationship and do not have a network of friends, "it's not that easy to 'treat' low social support," Burg says.
The social reason exists in their cross boundary maladjustment, role conflict and the absence of custody, society network and social support.
For university students' network dependence and Internet use of psychological needs, social support relations are studied.
For 1014 college students network dependence, network psychological needs, social support use scale test.
Their business model already shows us the benefit of building a support network and social ecosystem around lending.
The informal social network plays an important role in the social support system for vulnerable jobless groups.
The economic support network of the urban poor is an important kind of social resource on which they depend in their life.
Social network, especially the strong ties can provide financial help for the firm and give emotional support for the private entrepreneurs.
The Cisco Learning network is a powerful new social networking site for individuals seeking knowledge, training, and support as they enhance their careers through Cisco certifications.
The Cisco Learning network is a powerful new social networking site for individuals seeking knowledge, training, and support as they enhance their careers through Cisco certifications.