She expressed resentment at being interviewed by a social worker.
Jane stayed in our hometown to be a social worker.
We hope you enjoy this series about how you can make a difference by becoming a social worker.
I am a social worker, a lobbyist, and a special assistant to the executive director at the National Association of Social Workers.
Good jobs for you: teacher, social worker...
In our first class, we had the former chief social worker inspector for the entire country of Scotland within the class.
The social worker pointed at a woman sitting at the table and said: "This is your mum."
Once they realized I wasn't a cop or social worker, they usually told me their stories.
But the day he decides he wants help, he knows what to do: ask for the social worker.
"I felt like I was being put on notice," said Langbehn, now 40 and a social worker herself.
While I was looking after my son, a lady who said she was the hospital's social worker called.
I would get a better tape recorder and drive all over Los Angeles like an untrained, unhelpful social worker.
We learned that she was comes from "a comfortable background" and was preparing for a career as a social worker.
“We’re on eggshells here,” Gary Zurawski, a clinical social worker specializing in substance abuse, confessed to C.
Matt Lary, 26, is a social worker who lives in Wood Green, north London, with his girlfriend Gen (Genevieve) Clemens, 25.
At the door of the hospital emergency room, a social worker informed her that only family members were allowed inside.
We provide a social worker who is there all the time; we pay the youngsters a salary and employ a top chef to teach them.
Deena Hoagland, a licensed social worker and executive director of Island dolphin Care, says that dolphins don't have magical powers.
I was in real estate, mainly urban revitalization, and Marcia was a social worker, which she'd been for most of our married life.
It was all like that I came here and started to be a social worker and I wasn't gonna to change anything. I was trying to change myself.
I convinced him to stay in school and promptly called the headmaster and school social worker who promised to help Aidan through the day.
He's now living in a little apartment somewhere in New York City, and he's a part-time social worker working with teenage drop-outs.
A former social worker, she's known for compassion: she has looked after her brother's two children since he died in a car crash 20 years ago.
A former social worker, she's known for compassion: she has looked after her brother's two children since he died in a car crash 20 years ago.