Turner, The Structure of Sociological Theory, Translated by Qiu Zeqi, Huaxia Publishing House, 45-46(2006).
The classic sociological theory of privacy asserts two main principles that are relevant to current information debates (8, 9).
This article researches the system of expertise rights in criminal procedure with the sociological theory of "structure-function".
It is also a concept reflecting the trend towards integration of sociological theory and methodology, providing a foundation for such a trend.
This article starts from the reflection of the sociological theory trends of the mid-20th century and advances four rules of "don't" for analyzing the contemporary social structure.
The sociological theory of our school gives a title is not too difficult, and department head is Zheng Hang's unripe pupil, so the answer is made commonly according to the book of Mr.
However because community concept itself originates from the sociological theory, the community plans continuously in between the policy and the sociality not an accurate localization.
This article starts with youth peasant workers in coal mining enterprises, systematically analyzes this group by using sociological theory and proposes some methods to solve the problem.
Then from sociological aspect, it explains why advertisement become the public agenda by means of collective memorizing theory.
This paper mainly searches for and discusses the idea source and theory formation of knowledge-based economy in economics? Managical science and sociological science perspective.
The theory of literary field introduces an approach of literature study from a sociological Angle, focusing on the social environment surrounding literature.
Thus, meta-theory and meta-presupposition are unavoidably involved in sociological methods.
As the Polysystem theory states, only by putting translation within the larger sociological context can we get a complete view of those literary activities.
This article from the moral education, the psychology angle, using sociological, the pedagogy theory discusses the university student community question.
Of course, this sociological turn has a close relation to the Kuhn's historicism paradigm theory.
Rational choice theory is one of the most impo rt ant sociological theories.
Rational choice theory is one of the most impo rt ant sociological theories.