He borrowed money and installed a soda fountain and pretty soon he had a very nice little business.
One Texas drugstore clerk explained that Mexicans, unlike blacks, were allowed to drink at the soda fountain.
On the corner of 130 something and Amsterdam was a combination Pharmacy and Soda Fountain store. Mister owned it.
It was a great old-fashioned place, with its long soda fountain-like bar and tables covered with red-and-white checked tablecloths.
He sold it for five cents a glass out of a neighboring soda fountain where someone had the bright idea of mixing it with carbonated water.
One Texas drugstore clerk explained that Mexicans, unlike blacks, were allowed to drink at the soda fountain. But if they wanted a table they would be seated apart from whites.
Since the server doesn't need to know what kind of soda you'll choose, you can simply order a fountain drink and make your own decision later.
It doesn't matter if the pharmacist runs a small, old-time soda-fountain-in-the-front pharmacy or works in one of the big chain stores.
It doesn't matter if the pharmacist runs a small, old-time soda-fountain-in-the-front pharmacy or works in one of the big chain stores.