Softening point increased with the nitrogen content as well as BI content.
The sample yield and the fugitive constituent decreased with time, but the softening point and the content of toluene insoluble components increased.
It has the advantages of high softening point, high acid value, good capability of anti-oxidation and high mucosity. Polymerized rosin is good used in high-grade printing ink, adhesives and dope, etc.
Based on parameter of softening point, aging kinetics model was established to show aging condition of two asphalts and to calculate activation energies.
This article investigates the physical significance of softening point of Eureka pitch.
Results: The hardness of black plaster is positively associated with softening point and viscosity, while it is negatively correlated with penetration.
The first order aging kinetic model has been put forward successfully based on softening point, which offered an available and convenient method for studying the asphalt aging behavior.
The softening point of sinter is a key factor that affects the smelting process of Imperial smelting Furnace (ISF).
The changes of penetration, softening point and ductility of asphalt during aging proved that the kinetic model is reliable.
By thin film oven test and ultraviolet photooxidation test, asphalt performance indices were studied, including penetration, softening point, ductility and viscosity.
The results show that, the melting spinnability of PCS can be estimated by softening point and molecular weight distribution.
The softening point of these materials was determined by ring and ball method. The gardner method was used to evaluate the colorimetry and grade. The materials were characterized in detail by IR.
通过环球法和加特纳法分别测定这类物质的软化点及评定其色价、等级,并测定了这类物质的红外光谱、紫外光谱、 荧光光谱和差热-热重变化。
The results obtained are as follows: the softening point and viscosity of two asphalts were increased, while the penetration and ductility were decreased with the introduction of TLA.
Glass was heated to its softening point and reshaped in mold under its gravity in heating furnace, then was sharp quenched by cold blast immediately.
Thermal transitions. The softening point (glass transition temperature) and the melting point of a polymer will determine which it will be suitable for applications.
A light colour 422 resin with high softening point and reasonable acid value was synthesized directly from pine oleoresin.
以松脂为原料直接合成一种色泽浅、软化点高、酸值合格的4 2 2树脂。
The modified product was analyzed by FT-IR and GPC, and softening point, solubility in solvent and n-heptane tolerance were also studied.
The application of the low softening point 204 resin in the bead filler compound of BTR tire was investigated.
试验研究低软化点2 0 4树脂在全钢子午线轮胎三角胶中的应用。
It studies the orderliness of chemical modification to asphalt's performances that include softening point, penetration and low temperature ductility.
The rod material is then heated to a temperature equal to or greater than the softening point of the matrix material.
And softening point, viscosity and solidifying point of the bond decide the optimal temperature according to the mechanism of warm compaction.
The modifier is used to improve the road performance, as improving softening point, low temperature ductility and the like. At the same time, the invention is good glue material.
The effects of different factors on the end-product were studied, the results showed the acid content and the time of second condensation had effects mainly on the softening point of the resin;
Flat tempered safety glass is kind of high-strength safety glass obtained by heating common glass to softening point and then air cooling it abruptly.
Factors influencing the coke yield and the softening point (SP) of pitches were studied to ascertain procedures for the improvement and control of their quality.
Have the features of flame resistance, good electrical specifications and low creep under room-temperature. (the biggest drawbacks are the low softening point and easily degraded in high temperature).
The lower limit of temperature at which this occurs is known as the softening point or critical temperature.
From the micro-region view-point, the five stages of fatigue take place successively, and some new explanations for the fatigue hardening, softening and fracture are given.
Glass granules with low softening point are sintered on the surface of glassware where patterns of gold or other precious metals are painted. The decorating process has been described.
Glass granules with low softening point are sintered on the surface of glassware where patterns of gold or other precious metals are painted. The decorating process has been described.