Install any new prerequisite software and operating system patches required by V4.
Install any new prerequisite software and operating system patches required by WebSphere Application Server V4.
安装WebSphereApplicationServerv 4所需的任何新的必备软件和操作系统补丁程序。
After you install any necessary prerequisite software and operating system patches, restart the installation program.
Middleware is the piece of software that lies between two applications or an application and the operating system.
Middleware is the piece of software that lies between two applications or between an application and the operating system.
There is no neat distinction between operating system software and the software that runs on top of it.
When the servers become available, they are provisioned with an operating system, database software, middleware, and the application.
Each virtual machine includes the application software and supporting middleware and operating system.
We needed operating systems to create software built for those environments and another operating system for creating the documentation.
For installation test, build verification test, globalization verification test, and GUI software test, you can use the operating system virtual instances.
Image builders focus on combining the operating system and software required to create new deployments in your enterprise cloud.
Install the operating system and required software.
The local storage of an instance includes the operating system, software applications, data, and configurations added to the instance.
Once the virtual machine is running in the cloud, you can login and install custom software or otherwise configure the operating system environment.
The image just contains the full operating system and software applications of the source virtual server.
Each "virtual computer" encapsulates the operating system and the software applications installed on it.
Subscribe to and read security bulletins to learn of threats to your operating system and application software, and determine whether each threat endangers your specific configuration.
Like an appliance, the application and all prerequisite middleware and operating system software is all pre-installed and configured.
You can then deploy it to create a new virtual server that is complete with a fully functional operating system and software applications or overwrite an existing virtual server.
With QEMU set up and running a guest operating system, you can now begin your software development.
Software maintenance includes upgrades to both the operating system and the application server software on a given machine.
Configuration: Defines the context of a test case, such as operating system, machine specification, software version, and so on.
The operating system and software that sit inside these devices is often as important as the traditional engineering decisions that go into their design.
It is based on virtualization, extended file systems and open source operating system and software.
For example, software is run by a computer operating system, and needs to be designed to work well with the operating system.
A software appliance is a full application stack containing the operating system, the application software and any required dependencies, and the configuration and data files required to operate.
Test machines were constantly being installed and re-installed with a range of products, as well as service packs and prerequisite software — often the entire operating system had to be re-installed.
The image builder can simply choose the relevant operating system and software bundles and mix-and-match them to create customized virtual images.
The image builder can simply choose the relevant operating system and software bundles and mix-and-match them to create customized virtual images.