In a software development organization, you can use many things to assess and define your product.
Is the software development organization willing to stand up for the merits of these changes to the workforce?
Depending on your role in the software development organization, the goals for our approach will vary. For example.
Expert Philip Crosby insists that quality is free. 5 Ideally, a software development organization would have these characteristics.
Finally indicated some possible direction on further study of communication and coordination issues in software development organization.
For example, the stumbling blocks in a software development organization usually have to do with communication between development disciplines.
Residencies provide a profound opportunity for you and your software development organization to really understand how your software is being used.
The goal is to demonstrate to a software development organization how a change in the way its team members collaborate can yield more predictable results.
Authority to control process: Does this software development organization have sufficient backing to subsume, align, or differentiate other process initiatives within the company?
These ideas will be of potential interest to any software development organization that wishes to further optimize its change management processes to better serve all stakeholders.
For a software development organization that has received ISO 9001:2000 certification, we discuss the issue she will encounter to switch into the desired CMM capability level.
对于已获得ISO 9001: 2000认证的软件开发组织,我们讨论了它会遇到的向所期望的CMM能力水平转化的问题。
This paper focuses on establishing test automation as a service in the software development organization at the outset, Importance being given especially for the testing group.
It is the improvement of the software process that is the first essential factor to promote the ability of the software development organization and improve quality of the software.
Not all software development activities carry the same emphasis from one software development organization to the next, depending on the organizational structure and the nature of the business.
In other words, we can prescribe the application of a given pattern and find, to our chagrin, that the patient (in our case, a software development organization) becomes sicker, and may even die.
Rapid growth. A software development organization has grown quickly over a relatively short time, and what used to be a sufficient, informal software development environment is no longer adequate.
The RATLC schema and its use within the IBM Rational software development organization provide an ideal use case for ClearQuest change management in a distributed software development environment.
The unfortunate reality of life within a software development organization is that most people within that organization are completely ignorant of almost every aspect of the software's construction.
When you step back to assess the health of software development efforts in your organization, what do you see?
As projects within the organization learn how to improve their approach to software development, these practices can be captured and effectively deployed.
Product line development. An organization may develop and maintain a line of software or system products, rather than a single one.
Any organization can gain value from an enterprise architecture repository, but those that focus on software system development will gain the most.
However, there are many reasons why organizations decide to introduce governance into their organization; software development productivity improvement may be related to only a few of those reasons.
Implementing a change initiative will involve introducing one or more new software development capabilities into the organization.
Figure 2: Each wave can be represented as a change initiative that introduces a set of software development capabilities that get established over time within the organization.
A company is implementing a new cloud environment for their development and test organization consisting of 150 software engineers.
This gives the development organization the opportunity to gain and maintain a first-hand understanding of how the software will be employed.
The organization is analyzed to understand the business processes and costs associated with software development activities.
When an organization faces software development challenges, there is a tendency to impose a more disciplined process on the organization with more rigorous sequential processing.
A software development project's metabolic rate is the speed that the organization executes on the committed features and tasks.