Consequently, the timing and rhythms of biological functions must closely match periodic events like the solar day, the tides, the lunar cycle, and the seasons.
Without the external cue, the difference accumulates and so the internally regulated activities of the biological day drift continuously, like the tides, in relation to the solar day.
A sidereal day is about 4 minutes shorter than a solar day.
Some experiment data, which are captured in a solar day and a misty day, are utilized to verify the validity of our method.
Every day, children put their batteries into the bottom of their school's Solar Cow.
They could go into lunar orbit or into solar orbit halfway between the Earth and Venus, or one day even land on the moon.
Imagine the day when you could buy a package of Panasonic's fuel cells and Sanyo's solar panels for the home or office, Ohtsubo said.
As solar storms go, the Valentine's Day flare was actually modest.
And it would bring the day closer when solar electricity is as cheap as that generated from coal.
It could happen that one day, we have solar cells inspired by the Oriental hornet.
The solar panels also store up enough charge during the day to provide power for electronic devices.
There is no ongoing scientific debate about the fact that one day in solar time is comprised of 24 hours, or that one year is 365 days in length.
See pictures of auroras generated by the Valentine's Day solar flare.
Making the stuff of science fiction into reality, NASA engineers are testing solar sails — a unique propulsion technology that one day could enable deep space missions.
There's no electricity beyond that provided by one old solar panel that powers two dim lights for a few hours a day.
Satellites laden with solar panels that can beam their energy down 24 hours a day have been discussed for decades.
But if photovoltaic technology improves as Swanson predicts, solar panels' day as a practical source of power may finally be dawning.
These are jobs making everything from wind turbines and solar panels to the technology that you use every day.
These should be backed up with millions of solar lanterns, which shine by night and recharge by day.
The researchers suggest splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen during the day whenever electricity from solar cells is not needed for anything else.
During the day, the Nutmeg collects energy from solar panels on the roof of the wheelhouse, and from a 450-watt turbine up the mast.
白天,“肉豆蔻”可以通过舵手室里的太阳能电池板,收集太阳能,和桅杆上一个45 0瓦特的涡轮机。
The waves of damp and dry conditions suggest water is created on the moon every day, when hydrogen nuclei in the solar wind slam into oxygen-rich silicate minerals on the moon's surface.
But the panel itself can be made in China, and the software for the smart grid that will one day make the solar panel economic can be written in India.
The design, which has been shortlisted in Fujitsu's 2011 design competition, calls for two solar panels that are able to provide a continuous charge throughout the day.
Solar Impulse, whose wingspan is the same as an Airbus A340, flew 26 hours and 9 minutes, powered only by solar energy stored during the day.
The plane will harvest solar energy throughout the day, storing energy inside fuel cells that will be drained overnight.
The Earth and moon are both celestial bodies that exist in the same solar system, so they do have something in common. But they are as different in nature and characteristics as night and day.
The first manned day and night flight of a solar-powered aircraft has been postponed due to technical problems.
The first manned day and night flight of a solar-powered aircraft has been postponed due to technical problems.