He wanted to build institutions that would be used for the sole purpose of perfecting the slave into the perfect worker.
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light.
We won't enter projects for the sole purpose of meeting volume targets for the year.
The MPAA argued that the sole purpose of these torrent sites is to infringe on Copyrights.
Their sole purpose is to act as an identifier without having to know the actual contents.
Just as XML is often joked about as being a standard whose sole purpose is to create more standards.
Sometimes it's healthy to fool around and engage in recreation for the sole purpose of having fun.
Nor should you be directing your customers here for the sole purpose of touting how wonderful you are.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you haven't for the sole purpose of you reading this article. Why is that?
There is nothing wrong with being productive but it is unhealthy to make productivity the sole purpose of your life.
We use this information for the sole purpose of sending this one-time email, and do not store these email addresses.
The Order, such as was left of it, had moved after the fire. After all, their sole purpose in existing had been fulfilled.
The sole purpose of business is service. The sole purpose of advertising is explaining the service which business renders.
The sole purpose of business is service. The sole purpose of advertising is explaining these rvice which business renders.
做生意的唯一目的,就在服务人群;而广告的唯一目的,就在对人们解释这项服务。 。
Its sole purpose was to boot up and open a Mozilla based window manager - but then you could not get out of your browser window!
It could be argued that Edison was the first person to turn off the lights for the sole purpose of catching some midday Zs.
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.
The Prophets and Messengers of God have been sent down for the sole purpose of guiding mankind to the straight Path of Truth.
Generic tags are created from data intrinsic to the message or from dedicated tags added for the sole purpose of policy management.
There was still one agent involved, but its sole purpose was to just do "past event" purging, so timeliness was not that important.
Increasing earning potential was never meant to be the sole purpose of education, and if it's reduced to that, we're all in trouble.
Perhaps, and if so, we will cease to believe the sole purpose of Death is to claiming our last breath at the end of life's lane.
The uniformly dark colors and generous silhouettes serve the sole purpose of covering up and deflecting attention from the body.
The libraries' sole purpose is to support distributed execution of application logic that could just as well be executed sequentially.
For the sole purpose of this article, we have deliberately narrowed our focus specifically on the ESB Gateway and its related capabilities.
The second includes modern research institutes which attract international funding and whose sole purpose is to focus on cutting edge research.
Mock objects mimic the behavior of classes written with the sole purpose of guiding code execution so that it falls within those areas under test.
Mock objects mimic the behavior of classes written with the sole purpose of guiding code execution so that it falls within those areas under test.