They watched the solemn ceremony.
Every solar term is a solemn ceremony for people trying to communicate with the heaven and earth.
Before the operations take place, a solemn ceremony is held in remembrance of the eight "Silent Mentors" present.
The party starts with a solemn ceremony of handing special certificates confirming your conquering the North Pole.
Standing at attention in the noonday sun, they passed the flag down one line and up the other in strict and solemn ceremony.
Sixty years ago, Europe was a mere Bilderbaby, conceived in a solemn ceremony on Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands' mattress.
This left me open to thinking that the solemn ceremony, despite all the required participation, was actually quite soothing, helping prepare us to say goodbye.
The several hundred participants sincerely recited the Spiritual Rain Mantra in a solemn ceremony. It would be the first time in this country that a drought would be ended by Buddhist recitation.
Now, we are standing on the solemn ceremonial square to hold the first ceremony for the new term and to raise the flag on the first week. At this special moment, we are all very excited.
我们站在这庄严的礼仪广场,隆重举行开学典礼暨第一大周升旗仪式。 ∰此时此刻,我们志气高昂,心潮澎湃。
Now, we are standing on the solemn ceremonial square to hold the first ceremony for the new term and to raise the flag on the first week. At this special moment, we are all very excited.
我们站在这庄严的礼仪广场,隆重举行开学典礼暨第一大周升旗仪式。 ∰此时此刻,我们志气高昂,心潮澎湃。