A daily input of water, food, and energy of various kinds is matched by an output of sewage, solid waste, air pollutants, energy, and materials that have been transformed in some way.
The actualities of municipal solid waste (MSW) are discussed.
Austin's Solid Waste Services Department decided it needed a new name.
By the end of July, the cleanup had generated almost 40, 000 tons of solid waste.
Those solid waste not only take up much land, pollute environment but also waste a lot of resource.
In 2008, about 12.7 percent of the total municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in America was food scraps.
The yellow phosphorus slag is the molten industrial solid waste discharged from the phosphorus thermal process.
To protect the ecological environment and to improve the efficiency of sewage and solid waste treatment system.
Closure and rehabilitation of 300 existing open dumps, and the promotion of solid waste reduction, and recovery.
Central keeping refers to the solid waste recycled by various departments should deposited in the designated place.
Each state also must implement a permit program for its solid waste management facilities that receive hazardous waste.
Compared with paper bags, producing plastic ones USES less energy and water and generates less air pollution and solid waste.
All solid waste management to comply with the principles of "separation and recovery, central depository, unity to deal with".
This airflow pushes waste toward the bottom of the toilet, drawing it into a bag, holding solid waste, but letting the air through.
These expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactors rely on the bacteria staying in the tank but high-solid waste would push them out.
Since 1960, the amount of solid waste we create per year has tripled (to 400 million tons)while population has gone up less than 100%.
Sootblower materials shall be suitable for the temperatures and gas compositions normally encountered when firing municipal solid waste.
Ineos, the chemicals company, said that it had patented a method of producing fuel from municipal solid waste, agricultural waste and organic commercial waste.
Leacheable metal and dioxins content in slag of MSW met the relanet standards for municipal solid waste incineration; direct reuse of melted slag is accepteble.
This Law shall not apply to the prevention and control of Marine environmental pollution by solid waste or of environmental pollution by radioactive solid waste.
Assist for solid waste management, cleaning water management, and emission gas measurement, assess the authorized suppliers and audit the suppliers periodically.
When your body is processing solid waste quickly and efficiently, it shows that there's adequate fiber in your diet and your digestive system is working properly.
The Yamuna has suffered mightily in recent years from the dumping of solid waste in its waters, says an environmental activist in Agra, India, the site of the Taj Mahal.
Solid waste management in Singapore has traditionally been undertaken by the Ministry of Environment (ENV), with the participation of some private sectors in recent years.
Solid waste management in Singapore has traditionally been undertaken by the Ministry of Environment (ENV), with the participation of some private sectors in recent years.