Can be overkill for this type of an assessment where there is not a solid baseline to work from (in respect of current process and established metrics).
Although the process requires further skilled analysis, these use cases are then decomposed for input into other work products that solid testing requires.
One of the primary objectives of the process of architecting is to make sure that the architecture provides a solid framework for the work undertaken by the designers and implementers.
Part 1 of this four-part series provided a solid grounding in both GWT and XForms and explored how the two can work together to streamline the process of creating Web applications.
这个分为四部分的系列文章 的 第 1 部分提供了关于GWT和XForms 的坚实基础,并研究了如何结合使用这两种技术简化Web 应用程序的创建过程。
During the research on solid fuel ramjet (SFRJ), it is an important link for the design and experiment of SFRJ that a suitable mathematical model is built to simulate its internal work process.
Its ignition transient process plays an important role in determining whether a solid rocket motor can work normally.
Its ignition transient process plays an important role in determining whether a solid rocket motor can work normally.