The practicality and the operational standard of determining the apparent ionization degree of strong electrolytes by means of solidifying point reduction method are researched in this article.
And softening point, viscosity and solidifying point of the bond decide the optimal temperature according to the mechanism of warm compaction.
This paper introduces the 39th IPhO experiment test, which using the differential thermometer to measure the solidifying point of a crystalline solid substance and an efficiency of the solar cell.
The experimental procedures are: adding pour point depressant T9866 in a diesel sample and measuring the solidifying point and cold filter plugging point of the oil sample.
The yield of bright stock is 16. 38%, and its characteristics are high solidifying point, low viscosity and high CP %.
The method of testing solidifying point is improved through experiments, which simpler and more accurate.
The ether energy obtained by the preparation method can be easier to burn, has low solidifying point and is favorable for being used in the low temperature environment.
The ether energy obtained by the preparation method can be easier to burn, has low solidifying point and is favorable for being used in the low temperature environment.