However, technology is also the application of scientific knowledge to solve a problem, touching lives in countless ways.
However, technology is also the application of scientific knowledge to solve a problem, affecting people's life in countless ways.
One of the bits of evidence that supports this is that when people are trying to solve a problem, they typically have increased muscular activity in the throat region.
You'll notice Haskell programs frequently use recursion to solve a problem.
The simplest way to solve a problem is often the best way to solve a problem.
There's an old saying that you can't solve a problem on the level that you meet it.
When you're asked to solve a problem, do you push back on assumptions or constraints?
Employment experts say talking with your boss is usually the best way to solve a problem.
A capability needed by a customer or user to solve a problem or achieve an objective.
But I feel that we cannot solve a problem only by saying "we followed a conventional way."
When businessmen offer to pay more taxes to solve a problem, you know it is a real problem.
When you tell your boss ahead of time, it's not an excuse - it's asking for help to solve a problem.
By asking for help you allow someone else to solve a problem that you have admitted you can't solve.
When every physical and mental resource is focused, one's power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.
Cease believing that a single country or a small group of countries can solve a problem of such complexity.
Procedural programming certainly has its place, and it can be a highly effective way to solve a problem.
If you're asked to solve a problem, go to them for advice before you try to come up with anything on your own.
Ask yourself what specialskill or knowledge do you have, that can solve a problem or make thebest of a situation?
If the candidate engineer, you may need to answer practical technical problems, or solve a problem by programming.
This simple statement captures two approaches that can be employed to solve a problem: a "divide" and b "conquer."
There is no limit to how you create your product, but it really should solve a problem that people want solved.
Restraint is one of the most efficient ways to achieve this balance: i.e. finding the simplest way to solve a problem.
最有效的解决方法就是“约束”。 换句话说,就是找到最简单的解决方案。
My only excuse is that I quickly hacked it together to solve a problem and have not since taken the time to improve it.
Chances are you'll be able to solve a problem faster when you have the skill and resources of the counselor behind you.
The main point is, he took a look, decided on the underlying ways to solve a problem, and used his management skill set.
A good rule of thumb is to start thinking about the design of a utility the second time you have to solve a problem.
A classroom full of 10-year-old students is asked to solve a problem with children crossing the street on the way to school.
Environmental valuations aim to solve a problem that troubles both economists and ecologists: the misallocation of resources.
The recipe describes the ingredients — patterns and other assets — and the approach to using them together to solve a problem.
This is why, when a man is asked to solve a problem, he will often say, 'Can you leave it with me?' or 'I'll think it over.