I don't know where else, but there was some other place I could barely not lift the trophy.
For example, you can go to Yiheyuan (the Summer Palace), you can go to some other place.
You are living in some small town in Ukraine or Kenya or some other place, foreign or domestic.
It has to be talking about some other place outside of India where there was some kind of river.
I'd love to go skiing again, and in autumn I will start university or an education at some other place.
Woman! Cease this detestable boohooing instantly! Or else seek the shelter of some other place of worship!
Where once a house stood today there is nothing but the wreckage of some other place, come to rest from far away.
The movement of sediment particles of a particular size beyond a potential site of deposition to some other place.
Well, in Beijing, you can go to many good places. For example, you can go to Yiheyuan, you can go to some other place.
In the activity, we are required to go to school or some other place by bike or by foot as much as possible instead of by bus.
In the activity, we are required to go to school or some other place by bike or by foot as much as possible instead of by bus.
Well, in Beijing, you can go to many good places. For example, you can go to Yiheyuan(the Summer Palace), you can go to some other place.
Sichuanese Hisai some other place to return to Sichuan to visit relatives and friends, and first thought to eat is the twice-cooked pork.
The window was tall as a door, and he had imagined many times that it would open onto some other place and let him walk through and be there.
这窗户有一扇门那么高,有好多次他都会幻想: 自己跨过这扇打开的窗户去到另一个世界。
Are you dead like Rover and dead all over or does your soul go off to some other place or does some part of you get reincarnated into somebody else's body?
Your performance needs may require you to place the database log files on different disk arms than the database data or indicate some other placement needs.
Otherwise to a love being worth it cherishing, suspicious sight can only orientation some other place, may let self and the other party suffer injury only.
When you travel at high speeds, the present means nothing: you live mainly in the future because you spend most of your time lookiong forward to arriving at some other place.
In the end, some application foreground and some other place could be done in 28fred are also introduced in this paper, and we made some experiment to compare RED, FRED, 28fred.
最后对28FRED的应用前景和还可改进的地方进行了简单的介绍,并通过实验对RED、FRED、28 FRED进行性能对比。
If you feel overwhelmed by all that you have to do, take some time on Wednesday to think about what's so urgent, and if the sense of urgency is genuine or coming from some other place.
They do not come from the head at all, but from some other place, perhaps the hearts; certainly from a deep psychic level very little resembling consciousness, which is always only the top layer.
And if the test is true, it will change the value of this program counter to point to some other place in the memory, some other point in that sequence of instructions, and you'll keep processing.
Standing close to someone may be quite appropriate in some situations such as an informal party, but completely out of place in other situations, such as a meeting with a superior.
However, when storing this data you can lose track of some important information, namely the place where the data came from and other associated data such as when I took a snapshot of it.
In some respects this place is like a million other suburban gardens.
You used absolute positioning to place the UI controls using x and y coordinates—and you introduced some other Flex controls—mx:Panel, mx:Label, mx:TextArea and mx:VBox.
您使用绝对位置来放置使用x和y坐标的 UIcontrols,并且引入了一些其他Flex控件:mx:Panel、mx:Label、mx:TextArea 和 mx:VBox。
On March 25th, some 500, 000 took to the streets of Los Angeles while smaller protests took place in other cities.
On March 25th, some 500, 000 took to the streets of Los Angeles while smaller protests took place in other cities.