By encouraging their children to take some part-time jobs, parents can help their kids develop independence.
Of course, I also will do some part-time jobs through working during the proper time.
If time and energy permits, they would also like to make some part-time jobs to increase their income.
If time and energy permits, they would also like to take some part-time jobs to increase their income.
Generally you will have a greater chance of finding a suitable job if you have done some part-time jobs.
In order to alleviate parents' burden, I often do some part-time jobs and write some articles to earn money.
After I was in collage, I tried to fulfill my life, do some part-time jobs also plan the programs for several corporation.
At college, I had a lot of chances of contacting the society. I got some part-time jobs like selling or teaching as a tutor.
Therefore, it is highly suggested that college students should do some part-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant working experience.
Besides study, I took some part-time jobs related to my major during my school years, so actually I have a little experience in this kind of position. I believe I am competent at the job.
Some novel part-time jobs related to campus life are emerging in the job market, and it’s here where college students can be top dogs.
On some estimates, half of recent graduates are failing to find full-time jobs and are going into further study or part-time employment.
Some experts believe that activating one's sleeping certificates is good for assessing one's career goals and looking for part-time jobs.
Considering their future, I think all college students should do some meaningful part-time jobs or do internship before graduate so that to improve their ability to cope with society.
Some experts believe that activating one's sleeping certificates is good for assessing one's career goals and looking for part-time jobs.
Many Japanese college students have traditionally taken part-time jobs to earn some pocket change or to fund a foreign trip.
Some people say that college students should take up part-time jobs because they have much more free time than in the high school.
Some novel part-time jobs related to campus life are emerging in the job market, and it' s here where college students can be top dogs.
Some time ago I Xiangnong doing part-time jobs and want to try it yourself, in Taobao open a shop of their own, but do not know what to sell well, not much experience.
Some schools report as "employed" those in part-time or temporary jobs, ones that do not involve practising law and posts subsidised by the school itself.
Some unemployed workers currently avoid part time jobs because even a small income boost could result in their unemployment benefits being canceled.
Maybe we can pick up part-time jobs and earn some money and then rent a car!
Maybe we can pick up part-time jobs and earn some money and then rent a car!